The Prince and The Soldier pt 8

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You thought I was being mean before? Well let's see how you feel about me after this <3 >:)

Sam decided John wasn't as bad as he originally anticipated, he listened to everything Sam had to say about the whole James fiasco, and he found some comfort in him.

Sam still needed a distraction from James, so he decided to throw a party, just the castle staff. Knights, servants and maids were all invited to hang out with the Prince.

He wore a dark blue and silver patterned vest over a white shirt and black pants, something simple-ish to not outshine anyone.

It was mainly a drinking party, everyone was dressed in their best clothes in the palace ball room, drinking Mead and Wine, laughing and socializing

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It was mainly a drinking party, everyone was dressed in their best clothes in the palace ball room, drinking Mead and Wine, laughing and socializing. Sam wasn't drinking, it was yet another problem he developed due to stress of becoming King. He stayed out of the drinking part of the gathering.

But John didn't, he was drunk out of his mind, blabbering some nonsense about something he didn't care about, he looked around, looking for something or someone else to talk to, his eyes fell upon Natalia and Steven, pushed up against a wall making out- OH MY GOD-

Sam was absolutely shocked, his two best friends were making out, he would never had guessed that Captain Steven Rogers and Natalia Romenova would be into each other, he was happy for them, of course. But be couldn't help feel a hint of jealousy, they had each other, and he had no one.

Well, I guess John was there. But he didn't fulfill The Prince the way he would like.

Speaking of John, he grabbed Sam by the wrist and pulled him out of the ball room, "John, what are you doing?" "Jus' come with me, Samuel" he replied sharply which threw Sam off a lot.

Sam was pinned against a wall by the drunk soldier, John tried to kiss the Prince, Sam maneuvered his face so John would miss, trying to push Walker off him, "John, stop- get off me" he demanded but he didn't move "oh c'mon, Princey, as if you haven't been thinking about me this way, I can see it in your eyes" Sam pushed John off but his hands didn't leave the Prince's wrists, he was a lot stronger than he thought, definitely stronger than himself.

"Now, don't be like that, Sam, c'mere" John pulled the Prince down the hall, so much for comfort.

In a split second, John was ripped from Sam and shoved to the ground "leave him alone! Don't you ever touch him again, you hear me?!" The random person with a familiar masculine voice.

Sam watched in shock as James proceeded to punch Walker several times in the face, he intervened and pulled James in the opposite direction down the hall, despite what he thought of James at the moment, he had to get them both out of there before they drew a crowd.

Sam and James dashed down hallways and up a flight of stairs to the room James used months earlier, it wasn't until they were both panting inside the bedroom they realized how awkward it was.

Sam had never seen the bedroom fully before, it was nice, a bed not too much smaller than his own and a couch and bookshelf to lounge on.

Sam had never seen the bedroom fully before, it was nice, a bed not too much smaller than his own and a couch and bookshelf to lounge on

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"Thanks for helping me with uh- that" Sam said, breaking the silence. "You're welcome, I didn't want him to hurt you" Jamie replied, his words slightly slurring due to the three or four drinks he had. The knight noticed the Prince was shaking, he placed a hand on his shoulder, Sam turned his gaze to him, looking into his eyes that sparkled against his pale skin.

That familiar tension began poking at them again, why? They both slowly started inching closer, Sam's hands met Jame's neck, but before their lips could meet, James stopped and pulled back "no, no, no, I can't, I can't do this-"


"I've told you why, because-"

"Because you'll hurt me?" Sam cut the Soldier off, "you- you say that thinking it'll help me understand, that'll help me forget you but it doesn't help, in fact it make me confused and I can't stop thinking about you. You think by pushing me away you're sparing my feelings but you're not, because watching you leave me twice, hurt more than an open wound.

Us being together, it made me feel happy, you relieved all the stress and self doubt I had about becoming king, but when you left, it all came back when you left, I blamed myself for it, for all of it"

Jamie was shocked, guilt and anger washed over him, realizing he was doing it all wrong. How could he not see? "But if you truly believe that this won't work, if you really must leave I feel I at least deserve clarity, tell me the truth. Why do you keep pushing me away? Why are you so scared of being loved?" Sam knew it was a hard question, but he had to know.

James back off a little bit, "because I- I don't..." "DON'T WHAT, JAMIE? SAY IT"


Sam's eyes widened, more confused than before, before he could ask Jamie continued "you wanna know the truth? We'll here it is. I was born a bandit, my father was a bandit, he stole me from my mother and raised me to be a killer, a monster.

He tortured and brainwashed me into believing that the bandit ideology would save the land and liberate all, but when I was sent to kill a lord in another kingdom, I was about to stab him to death in front of his duchess and kids, they all begged me to stop and I realized what I was doing was wrong, that bloodshed and death wasn't going go liberate anyone.

I met Steven and Natalia and took the opportunity to get away, I tried to be good, I really tried to be normal but I can't, a monster like me doesn't deserve to be loved, especially by someone as kind and amazing as you".

Sam was speechless, he had the clarity he wanted. They both had tears in their eyes, "I don't believe you, Jamie" Sam spoke with a shakey voice "what?" Jamie asked, confused. "I refuse to believe that you don't deserve love just because of something you were forced to do", he inched closer to the brunette.

"The fact you ran away and tried to be good, that's the strongest thing a person can do, and if you want to... I'd love for us to try again" he cupped Jamie's face, he smiled nervously "thank you, Sam, I appreciate that. But, I need to think before I take that offer" Sam nodded "okay, I understand".

Jamie leaned in and kissed the Prince's cheek, "I'll stay in here tonight, and I'll come and find you when I have my answer" Sam nodded again, he turned around and went to his own room.

He got ready for bed, easily falling asleep. Having a clear understanding of Jamie and his past, he was hopeful for the first time in a while.

Two posts in one day, yay me!

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