The Past

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Your POV

"GROUND ALL DRAGONS!" Stoick shouted as we followed him around the dragon hanger, where everyone was running around in a frenzy.

"What? Why?!" Hiccup asked as everyone else went to help fortify the island but I stayed put with Hiccup confused about what is happening.

"SEAL THE GATES! LOWER THE STORM DOORS!" Stoick ordered and some Vikings nod running off to do what they're told.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait! What is happening?" Hiccup asked again trying to get the attention of his father.

"You heard the man! Lock it down!" I hear Gobber yell out to someone.

"No DRAGON or VIKING sets foot off this island until I give the word!" Stoick ordered and I turn to look at Nyra and Mischief only for them to shift their gaze to the doors, not wanting to stay indoors.

"Because some guy you knew is stirring up trouble in some faraway land?" Hiccup asked and Stoick turned to him with a stern expression.

"Because Drago Bludvist is a madman. Without conscience or mercy. And if he's built a dragon army... gods help us all." He explained walking off to keep fortifying to the island with Hiccup and I following behind him.

"Get them into their pens!"

"Aye, Stoick!"

"Quickly!" Stoick told him nodding slightly at the answer the Viking gave him.

"Then let's ride back out there. We'll follow those trappers to Drago and talk some sense into him." Hiccup explained but Stoick wasn't having any of his ideas.

"No. We fortify the island." Stoick countered, here we go again.

"It's our duty to keep the peace!" Hiccup shot back.

"Peace is over, Hiccup. I must prepare you for war." Stoick told him and I see Hiccup tense a little at his statement.

"War? Dad, if Drago's coming for our dragons, we can't wait around for him to get here. Let's go find him and change his mind." Hiccup said but Stoick only shook his head at him.

I feel Nyra nudge me in the back so I turn to look at her. She look at me than the storm door and then she looks at her back then at me, she wanted to fly away and take me with her and so did Mischief.

"Some minds won't be changed, Hiccup. Berk is what you need to worry about. A chief protects his own." I hear Stoick say to Hiccup while I think about it.

"Alright, let's go you two." I said and I get on Nyra and she gets ready to take off.

"Wait Y/n!" I hear Hiccup call out and I look over at him, Hiccup wanting me to come with him since he and I most likely have different plans.

"Go Nyra." I told her and she took off.

"Y/N!" I hear Stoick and my brother shout as we fly out and I look back at all the doors closing, Stoick and my brother are probably fuming.

I hear a sound that's a Nightfury cutting through the sky and I look behind me to see Toothless flying up to us. Once they're caught up to us I look over to see Hiccup with his helmet on, I look down at Nyra and she looks up at me purring and I hear Mischief chirp.
We all agree we're going with Hiccup.

"So, we are we off to, and what's the plan?" I ask him and Hiccup looks over at me and flips his helmet up.

"To find those Trappers, get caught, they take us to Drago and change his mind." He told me and I shook my head at him.

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now