A Goodbye that Broke a Son

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Third Person POV

As the smoke starts to clear, Hiccup looks over at Toothless as he pants heavily with his eyes still in slits. He then looks over at where his father was, only to see a body laying there with ice on top of him, the caused Hiccup to spring up in desperation.

He runs over to the body of the father, who seems looks to be at peace, and sits behind him while trying to get all the chunks of ice off. Valka then sees the sight in front of her and gasps before sprinting over as Hiccup cries out for his father, like a little kid wanting his father to come back.


"Stoick..." Valka whispers as she sits down next to her son and checks for a heartbeat.

"No... you..." Hiccup tries to find the words but he looks over at the mother, who only closes her eyes before pulling away from her love.

"No." Hiccup repeats, becoming overwhelmed by feelings.

The Bewilderbeast then turns away from the scene, appearing to have a sense of sadness as he stops controlling Toothless. The Night Fury's eyes widen as he pants heavily from the control of the Alpha, he then sees Stoick laying there in front of him lifeless as Hiccup clings onto him.

"No, no, no. No..."

The other riders then land, only to see the body of their chief with his grieving family. Astrid gasps before running over like all the other riders freeze at the sight, all of them witnessing death firsthand for the first time. Astrid then sits on Hiccup's left while looking at Stoick, trying to provide some comfort as Dracul also runs over.

The raven-haired boy then falls to the ground as his father figure lays there, losing another person he saw as family. Toothless then realizes what he has done and approaches Stoick while Gobber stands next to his fallen brother, taking his helmet off in respect.
Toothless then nuzzles Stoick's hand, trying to wake him up but he's pushed away by Hiccup.

"No! Get away from him!" He yells angrily at the dragon, who then whimpers away at Hiccup's anger.

"GO ON! GET OUT OF HERE!" Hiccup yells at Toothless, his voice rising even more. Toothless tries to stay but Hiccup doesn't allow it.

"GET AWAY!" This causes Toothless to run away as Hiccup falls to his knees again, realizing what he just did.

"It's not his fault. You know that." Valka says her son gently, knowing that he that.

The Alpha then roars and takes control of all dragons, except for one that was flying near the Alpha with Y/n in her grasp. The girl was grieving but still stayed with Nyra, knowing that the Stormcutter wouldn't let her go.

"Good dragons under the control of bad people..." Valka continues as all the teen dragons start taking off, their wills also being taken away by the Alpha.

"Wait, don't go!" Snotlout calls out to Hookfang, but the dragon couldn't fight the Alpha's will.

"...do bad things." Valka finishes as the riders watch all the dragons flock around the Alphas head.

Toothless starts trying to join the Alpha, but can't take off due to his tail fin and Drago sees this. Drago then walks over and pulls him to the ground, he then pins Toothless' head to the ground and forcibly rides him.

"GATHER THE MEN AND MEET ME AT BERK!" Drago orders from the back of Toothless as he flies over to the Alpha.

Hiccup then notices and runs after him.

"Toothless!" He cries out, but Valka then holds him back as cheers fill the air.

"No, don't!" Hiccup then freezes as his world falls apart.

"Move out!" Drago orders to his Bewilderbeast, who starts heading to Berk as Drago's men prepare to set sail.


Stoick's ship sails through the gentle water, causing calm ripples as the sky is gloomy. Representing the loss of a loved one, as this happens Snotlout collects arrows for the funeral.

"May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield." Gobber starts, saying his eulogy while handing a bow and arrow to Hiccup before patting his shoulder and walking away. Hiccup had to lead the arrow volley due to being Stoick's kin.

"May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings." All the other riders line up, to the side of Hiccup, all with a bow and arrow in hand.

"For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father... A friend." Gobber finishes, his voice cracking at the end.

Hiccup then lights the tip of his arrow on fire with the low burning embers, he looks up before taking a deep breath and firing his arrow at the ship. Astrid then looks to the others before they all follow suit with Hiccup.

After a few seconds of silence, Hiccup drops his bow and looks up at the burning ship.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

Astrid looks at the ship with a small smile, remembering all the times Stoick would talk to her cheerily and the time he helped her move past her troubles in a way no one else could. Dracul closes his eyes and looks down, tears running down his cheek while leaving stains as he remembers the times with Stoick.
Tuff and Ruff look at each other mournfully, knowing that Stoick was a good man and cared about them. No matter how many times they gave him grief with their Mischief. Snotlout sniffles before wiping his tears away, not wanting to show any emotion to anyone like his dad had told him to.

Fishlegs drops his bow while wiping away a tear, remembering the time Stoick and Skullcrusher first met and how he would come to him for help with the Rumblehorn. Eret stands there, though not knowing the man that well he respected him deeply as he reminded him of his father.

Valka watches her son, he takes a deep breath before continuing.

"I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I don't know..." Hiccup trials off, not knowing what else to say. Valka then walks up to her son and places a hand in his hair gently.

"You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. So frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn't make it. But your father... he never doubted." She pauses and stands in front of her son so he would look at her.

"He always said you'd become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son." She finishes, Hiccup then takes a step forward.

"I was so afraid of becoming my dad." Hiccup confesses to everyone, everyone knew this but still looked at him.

"Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great? That brave? That selfless? I guess you can only try." Hiccups face of sadness then turns to determination, knowing what his father would want him to do.

"A chief protects his own." Hiccup states, repeating what his father would tell him before turning to everyone.

"We're going back." He tells everyone, Astrid perks up as the Twins look at him with confusion.

"Uh, with what?" Tuff asks him.

"He took all the dragons." Ruff reminds, causing everyone to look at him with a raised eyebrow as he shakes his head.

"Not all of them."

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