This is Berk

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Third Person POV

Hiccup and Toothless watch as all the villagers reunite with their dragons happily, Gothi gets covered in her flock of Terrors as Y/n looks around hopefully. She's then tackled to the ground by Mischief, who chirps at her while licking her.

"I missed you too, buddy!" She laughs while trying to push the excited dragon away. Then some other dragons come to her while nuzzling her happily.

To her right Astrid waves down something in the sky while laughing, Stormfly then lands and Astrid laughs while running over and hugging her head.

"Stormfly!" She laughs, still hugging the Nadders head.

Behind her Dracul is looking around for a certain dragon, only to turn around excitedly after hearing a certain chirp. He laughs before running over to Ryu, he hugs his head while smiling broadly.

In front of him, Gobber sees Grumpy, both looking overjoyed to see each other.

"Oh, give me a cuddle, Grumpy!" Gobber says to the dragon, who then flops down on him, and this time Gobber doesn't mind it.

To Dracul's left Snotlout and Fishlegs see their dragons next to each other, with Barf and Belch near them. Ruff sees the two boys as they light up at their dragons, which were behind her so she thought they were excited for her.

"Who's my little princess?" Fishlegs squeals happily at the Gronckle, both boys run to their dragons.

Ruff then holds her arms out for them but they run past her, she then turns in confusion before seeing Meatlug and Hookfang.

"Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang!"

"Oh, you are. Yes, you are. I missed you so much!"

Barf then looks at Ruff, who had quite the dejected look on her face but her face lights up at the sight.

"Oh, Barf!" She cheers, Belch then tries to get a hug from her as he couldn't see his rider.

"Not you." She tells him while pushing him away, Belch then looks sad but Tuff finally finds him. Tuff hugs Belch happily, which causes the head to close his eyes happily.

As Hiccup watches Skullcrusher comes up to him, without Stoick he had no one to reunite with so he decided to check on Hiccup. Hiccup then put his hands on his snout gently, causing the Rumblehorn to close his eyes.

"That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper." Eret jokes, Skullcrusher then opens his eyes and faces the former Trapper. He sniffs Eret before nudging him, causing Eret to laugh nervously while looking at Hiccup.

Not sure how to respond, considering who use to be the rider of Skullcrusher. But he places a hand on his snout, looking at the dragon happily.

"Y'know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now." Hiccup says to him, causing Eret to look up at him in shock.

"Me?" He questions, Hiccup nods as Eret looks back at Skullcrusher for a second.

"I'd be honored." Eret tells him, finally feeling free from the tyranny of Drago Bludvist. The man who destroyed his life, family, and tribe.

He walks off to the side as Valka approaches her son, pride adorning her face.

"Your father... he'd be every bit as proud as I am." Valka says to her son softly, Hiccup gave her a small smile.

"Thank you. I'm really glad you're here, mom." Hiccup responds as they both turn to the village, Toothless then comes up and gets his head under Valka's arm.

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