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3rd Person POV

The riders fly into a place filled with snow and ice, Stormfly drops Eret causing the Trapper to try to run but before he could get far Stormfly lands and sits on him with a proud yet smug look.

The Trapper groans as the others land around Stormfly, Astrid hops off with her ax in hand.

"Okay! I got you here, now get this thing off me!" Eret told her through the weight of Stormfly on him, but Astrid only turns around with a smug look.

"Never take a toy from a dragon. Don't you know anything?" She asked him as Dracul walks up to her side, looking at the Trapper with a smirk.

"Gah! Why does this keep happening to me?" He pondered as Stormfly broods over Eret like a mother keeping her eggs warm, the other dragons lay down as well to rest from the flight.

The riders run up the hill in front of them before laying down, they look to see a massive armada of ships. They were all seemingly facing the middle of the area, where massive bubbles were causing ripples in the water.
Fishlegs then got out his dragon cards as Astrid surveys the area before looking back at the middle.

"What's down there?" Astrid questioned, speaking everyone's thoughts aloud.

Dracul watches Fishlegs shuffle through his cards as he mumbles to himself.

"Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, cold water deep dweller, I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six." This caused Snotlout to roll his eyes as Dracul's hair stands up, meaning someone was close by.

Just before he could say anything Stormfly stands up while sniffing the air, she then lets out a warning call before flying away. The gang looks to see a group of Hunters surrounding the dragons and Eret gets up while drawing his swords.
The Hunters then use blow darts to tranquilize the rest of the dragons as the rider runs down the hill, Dracul draws his sword while running down the hill.




As the riders call out to their dragons they get into a defensive circle, Eret included as Fishlegs tries to get to Meatlug. 

"What's wrong, girl?" He questioned as he keeps trying to approach him.

The Hunters use their spears to stop him from approaching her, causing Fishlegs to be backed into the middle of the circle. Dracul and Eret go to attack but the Hunters with the blow darts then aim at them, causing them to take a step back while rethinking their decision.

"Don't move!" The leader threatened.


"Drago!" Eret greeted, obviously quite nervous but is trying to keep an air of confidence while they all get escorted onto Drago's ship.

A man with long black dreads, dark skin that held scars every on part of his face while he sports a black dragon scaled cloak, then turns around and faces Eret and the rider.

"Get off me!" The Trapper muttered to one of the guards, shaking him off before turning to Drago.

"Always great to see you, my friend! Keeping warm up here? Well, as you can see, I'm right on time with a new batch of dragons, just like I promised." He explained, Hookfang started waking up and the Hunters held onto the ropes tied around his neck.

Once the Hunters start pulling on the ropes Hookfang flies into action, snapping his jaw at them all which causes them to drop the ropes and jump away. However, despite his best efforts the Hunters keep trying to get a hold of the ropes.

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