Disturbing the Peace

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I see Berk come into view and I hear Mischief chirp happily at the sight, but me and Hiccup had a quiet trip back with the occasional 'Are you okay?' from Hiccup and myself as we kept asking each other the same questions.

As we get closer I see Snotlout, Ruff, and Tuff plus Fishlegs race around the village while I look around to see my brother and Astrid getting knocked down by Stormfly and Ryu.

Hiccup and I fly down towards the Blacksmith leather shop where Gobber and Stoick were.

"Haha! There he is!" Stoick cheered as we landed and Hiccup got off Toothless and walked over to me and helped me down off Nyra's back.

"Huh? The pride of Berk!" Stoick continued as Hiccup let go of my hand and walked into the shop as I look around for a certain dragon. I hear the zip of a Speed Stinger to then feel something rubbing itself against my legs.

I look down to see Speedy the Speed Stinger happily rubbing himself against my legs, I crouch down and scratch under his chin which he happily accepts before running off to Mischief so they can play together.

"Y/n!" I hear Hiccup call, I get up and jog over to him into the shop to hear Stoick being very excited about something, and Hiccup plus myself walks, well more so he grabbed my hand and dragged me, over to talk.

"Hey, Dad, could we have a word?" Hiccup asked him as we followed the ecstatic chief around the shop, the sight of him being so incredibly happy causes me to smile ever so slightly.

"Something you're itching to tell me?" He asked Hiccup hinting towards the chief business.

"Not quite the itch you're thinking of, but yes." Hiccup answered but some of that response might've flown over Stoick's head.

Stoick walks over to a rack of numbers and pulls one off the hooks and walks over to the window where a bunch of Vikings were lining up waiting for either saddle requests or weapons.

"Goodman! Now, lesson one. A chief's first duty is to his people. So..." He told his son and I stood there awkwardly wanting to just go back to the four dragons outside playing.

"Forty-one?" Stoick called out and no one came up and everyone was looking around for the Viking that was forty-one to come forward.

"Forty--" Stoick called again.

"If we could just talk--" Hiccup tried talking to his father only to get cut off by the Viking that had forty-one as their number, that and Stoick probably wasn't listening to him.

"Excuse me, I've been here all day! Okay, I want one of those high seaters, with lots of spikes and big storage compartment." The Viking said, Hiccup looked over at me and saw my uncomfort as I dart my eye's everywhere, I then look at him, and shot me a warm smile.

"Absolutely! You got it, sir!" Stoick told the man causing Hiccup to turn back to the chief to try to tell him of the new danger that has been heard of.

"Dad, this is actually a little more important than building saddles." Hiccup told his father as he follows him around the shop as the chief walks around to make saddles not really paying attention to his son.

"Ah-ah! Lesson two. No task is too small when it comes to serving your people." Stoick said to Hiccup, this caused me to speak up a little.

"With all due respect sir, this is extremely important and as chief, I think you should hear this." I said and Stoick to turn to face me with a slight shock.

"Oh, Y/n didn't see you there, too quiet at times aren't ya." He said not really listening to my comment, I sent a little smile his way as he turns back to make the requested saddle.

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