Nightmare's induce Fears

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Your POV

One Month Later...

A month passed since Drago's defeat and the village was still adjusting, the ice was slowly melting and most people's houses were rebuilt. Dracul and I had constant visits from Eret, who always came for help after being beaten up.
Some people didn't like him, simply because he was an outsider so he would often get jumped and beaten and battered. I told him to tell Hiccup, but he refused due to not wanting to give Hiccup any more worries.

Never once though, did the former Trapper fight back. He didn't want his or Hiccups reputation to worsen.

Other than that, I have been helping Hiccup with his newfound chief duties and Nyra and Toothless have been adjusting to the role of Alpha. However, for the past month, both Valka and I have noticed Hiccup's mood.
He had been more tired, with sleep bags under his eyes, and had been isolating himself from the world at the end of the day. I tried to get him to come flying around the island with me, but it was of no use.

Toothless was also very worried like he knew something we didn't. Which he probably did.

'I'll have to ask him about it.'

"Y/n!" Dracul called out, snapping me from my thoughts.

I look to the left to see him approaching me, with a very worried Valka following.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, he looks at Valka before back at me.

"Valka wants to speak with you, about something." He answered, I nod and he leaves the house.

Valka then takes a seat on a chair, staring into the fire.

'Something's wrong.'

"Are you okay?" I asked her, she then nods slightly but then stops.

"Adjusting to living with people is... A lot harder than one might think." She answered, I raise an eyebrow while looking outside through the open window.

"But that's not all, is it?" She shakes her head at my question, I sigh before pulling a chair over to sit next to her.

"Is it Hiccup?" I asked gently, causing her to nod her head.

"Can you talk to him, I fear that he is going through the worse of grievance and I have only been here for a month. You can get through to him, he'll listen to you." She explained, I nod before looking back at the window.

"I'll talk to him." I stated simply before getting up, I don't hear Valka following me so I turn to see her still looking at the fire.

"Are you coming?" I asked her, causing her to finally look away from the fire with sad eyes.

"Can I stay here dear? Just for a little bit?" At this I realize that being around people all day has probably exhausted her, she was still adjusting to it.

"Yeah, of course. Just send for me if you need me." I said to her before leaving my hut, I look out to see a lot of the dragons flying around happily. Some with riders, some without.

I then make my way to Hiccup's hut, knowing that both Nyra and Mischief are behind me. I nod at people who say hello along the way, I had become quite popular among the village, unfortunately.

I reach Hiccup's hut, where Toothless was laying on top of the roof. His hut was one of the first built due to his status, despite his protests. Toothless then notices me from the roof before jumping down in front of the door, I pause in my tracks.

He then looks out towards the sunset, wanting to go flying as he use to with Hiccup.

"I know, I'll talk to him about it." I assured, causing him to coo before walking over to Mischief and Nyra. I sigh before opening the door and inviting myself in, due to the time of day Hiccup's chief duties were done for the day so he would be here.

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now