A Day for Her

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One Week Later

Second Person POV

Hiccup wakes up, making sure not to wake you by the soft nudging of Toothless, who seems to have urgency today. He brings his spare hand up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while silently yawning. The actions made Toothless stop nudging him, knowing he was up as Hiccup looks at you.
The morning sun made your hair glow, it was beautiful to him as he slowly removes his arm from your waist. Today, everyone had planned a day to celebrate you, because you had done a lot for everyone and they all decided to chip in and spend time with you today.

That, and it was also your birthday but you wouldn't bring it up at all.

Once he removes his arm from your waist, he waits to see if you'll wake up. But, you were gone for two days exploring the east, only coming home in the afternoon of yesterday. So you were dead to the world, sleeping deeply from the exhaustion as you didn't sleep for two days.
He then peels the blanket off slowly, getting up afterwards with just as much slowness before looking over.

Being sure you were still asleep.

"Phew," Hiccup whispers before looking at Toothless, who blinks at him before quietly climbing out of the window.

Hiccup then moves to quickly put on his clothes, his new outfit was much more comfortable than his old one. He then walks downstairs as quietly as he can with a metal leg. He then opens the door to be greeted by Toothless, who forces him onto his back before taking off.

Flying towards the academy, where everyone agreed to meet.


"Dracul!" Astrid yells while pushing the front door open, she was up early to do her tasks for the day before meeting everyone at the academy.

"It's your sister's birthday! Get up!" The woman yells while walking up the stairs, she hears a groan before someone hits the ground.

"Yep! I'm up, I'm..." Dracul says while pushing himself up, both you and he were not morning people. The raven-haired man in front of Astrid runs his fingers through his hair while opening his baby blue eyes, looking at Astrid charmingly.

"What a sight to wake up to," Dracul says, his voice husky from waking up. Astrid rolls her eyes with a smile, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Alright, Babe, we've got work to do," Astrid tells him while walking over, she places her hands on his chest while looking up at him.

When the two were alone, Dracul was surprisingly confident and soft with her making her very happy. She gets to see this side of Dracul when no one else does. He leans down and kisses her softly, moving away to get ready while grabbing the comb that was made of deer antler.

It was technically Astrid's spare, but she didn't mind.

After a few minutes, Dracul walks out in his clothes with fur wrapped around his shoulders, attached by a medallion with his family's crest on it. His clothes were similar to Hiccups but different in his own right, but to Astrid, she needed to do his hair.

 His clothes were similar to Hiccups but different in his own right, but to Astrid, she needed to do his hair

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