Dragon Racing!

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3rd Person POV

"This... is Berk. The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere. Granted, it may not look like much, but this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises."

Shadows are seen flying over the huts of the village, however, they are too fast to see what the shadows look like as a cluster of 5 sheep hide in between huts from the shadows up above. The small group of sheep moves from one ally way to another.

"Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart. See, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call--"

A sheep get pushed into the sunlight by the other's and get's swooped off its feet, away from the other sheep.

Dragon's and their riders are seen flying throughout Berk, neck in neck but you can only ever see the color's as they move so fast.


Fishlegs, who is now a lot more grown-up looking, is riding on Meatlug who is carrying the sheep that got swooped from earlier is seen with paint on his face, with two semi-circles and a line on his chin.

"WHOOOOOOO!" He cheered at his triumph but Snotlout, who is also looking older but still is every bit as juvenile, flies up to his side with Hookfang, who has a bit of a different appearance with a sort of beard as he has 3 little flaps on his chin.

Together Snotlout and Hookfang barge Meatlug, causing her to let go of the sheep and letting it fall into Snotlout's hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs! Did you want that?" Snotlout teased as he turned to face him before falling back to the twins and their Zippleback.

"No, Snotlout! That was mine!" Fishlegs' shouted at him in the distance.

"Here ya go, babe." Snotlout told Ruff with a flirty smile as he throws the sheep over to her, Ruff catches it with a low grumble of irritation.

"Did I tell you that you look amazing today? 'Cause you do." He told her pointing up to her, Ruff glared at him as did Barf.

"Ugh. Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here." She groaned, disgusted at Snotlout as Barf peeled away spewing gas, Tuff came up to him with a mugging smile to mock him.

"Nope. Still hates you." Tuff told him as Snotlout glared at the twin, but before he could respond Tuff looked forward with a smug look on his face.

"Let's blow this place, Blech! Alright!" Tuff yelled with excitement, Blech sparked the gas, causing an explosion to happen and pushing Snotlout away from them.
They fly above seven nets with colors and designated faces for dragons. Ruff throw's the sheep in her hands into the Barf/Belch net, which was filled with sheep while the others were either barren or had a couple of sheep.

Stoick turns to the frenzied crowd laughing, 

"Ha-ha! That's nine for the Twins, Astrid and Dracul lag with three, and Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with NONE!" He announced as he eyes the two nets at the end, one painted with a Night Fury. The other with a Stormcutter with a small Terrible Terror in the corner.

"And Hiccup and Y/n are... nowhere to be found. Hmmm." He mumbled to himself as Gobber chuckled and walked up to him.

"Scared him off with the big talk, didn't ya, Stoick? He probably took the lass off with him." Gobber assured while looking back at the race.

Astrid and Dracul, who grew very very close after five years, flew up to Snotlout's side, Astrid astride the Deadly Nadder Stormfly, while Dracul was astride the Scuttleclaw Ryu.

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