The Triple Cross.

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3rd Person POV

Drago's armada is on the move, with Drago's ship being pulled by something while Drago strikes at a chain that leads into the water. However, at the stern of the ship the riders and Eret are being lined up to be pushed into the freezing cold water below.

"Could this day get any worse?" Snotlout asked rhetorically, but Tuff didn't pick up in that.

"Uh, let me see. You'll jump into freezing cold water and then die from drowning." Tuff answered cheerily, Eret looks over the edge before facing Astrid and Dracul.

"Looks refreshing." He commented with a smug expression, but Astrid looked at him with anger.

"Please, ladies first." Eret told her, being ever the gentlemen while holding the same smug expression.

"You are a steaming heap of dragon--" Before she could even finish Eret's face turned serious.

"Duck." He instructed she did just that as Eret delivers a spinning hook kick to the two guards holding her. Two spears then fly into the air, he catches one and cuts the rope bounding his hands together before catching the other one.

He quirks an eyebrow at the four Hunters before walking forward and spinning the weapons around.

"Warn the others!" One of the Hunter's instructed, causing one to run off as Eret bashes his weapons against the Hunters.

"Get 'em, you son of an Eret!" Ruffnut called out, excited to see him in action.

Due to Eret bashing their weapons together the Hunter with a blow dart misses him and shot another Hunter, causing him to be knocked out. He then knocks their weapons into the air as Fishlegs rushes one and tackles them, knocking them out as Eret catches the tranquilizer.
The group all looks at the Hunter running to tell the others as Eret hits him with a blow dart, after a few seconds of stumbling the Hunter fell over. Knocked out cold.

Ruff then turns to Eret happily again.

"Okay, I love you again." She said, causing Snotlout to look on with hurt as she runs over to him.

Tuff rolls his eyes at the stocky man.

"Ugh. Pathetic. You can still jump." The male twin suggested to Snotlout, who didn't pay any attention to him.

"So?" Eret started while turning to Astrid and Dracul.

"Are we going to save your dragons and get out of here or not?" He asked, Astrid, nods with a smug look as Eret uses his sword to cut the ropes bounding everyone's hands together.

"Check every trap. They're here somewhere." Eret told them as they all run off to find the dragons.


Astrid runs under a cover that was covering the trap, she then uses the handle to open it before climbing in. She looks in the trap to see Meatlug there, chained up but they didn't bother to take her saddle off.

"Meatlug?" Astrid questioned, double-checking it wasn't some other Gronckle with Fishlegs' saddle.


Nearby Dracul is seen climbing onto the top of semi-open traps, looking into each one for a few seconds. As he looks into one he doubles back at the sight, he sees Ryu there looking right back at him happily.
Dracul then lets out an airy laugh before jumping into the trap, Ryu was shaking with energy as Dracul places a hand on his snout.

"You're okay, lets get you out of these chains."


On another part of the ship Eret and Ruff are opening up a trap to check inside, well Eret was; Ruff was admiring his biceps and body.

"Anyone coming?" Eret asked her, expecting her to be on the lookout.

"I don't know. You just keep doing what you're doing. Keep crankin'." She answered dreamily, Eret then looked behind him before climbing into the trap.

He looks into the trap to see Stormfly, who seemingly lights up at the sight of him. Eret then jumps into the trap and holds out his hands while edging closer to the Nadder, not wanting to spook her.
The former Trapper then kneels down and holds out his hands, looking at Stormfly nervously while taking a breath.

"Thank you, for saving my life." He said to the Nadder, who then pushes her snout into his hand. The former Trapper smiles before looking at her seriously.

"Now let me return the favor."

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now