Scuttling to Save Berk

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Third Person POV

The rider is seen flying through the ice ravine on baby Scuttleclaws, all failing to fly them straight due to the hyperactive babies that don't listen to anyone. Including the Alpha dragons.

"Fly straight, WILL YA?!" Ruff exclaims to her Scuttleclaw as all the riders, except Hiccup, Valka and Dracul struggle to control the babies.

"I don't want to die!" Fishlegs yells out as his Scuttleclaw crashes into a snow pile.

Eret then gets snow in the face as he hangs upside down from his Scuttleclaw, trying his hardest not to die.

"We can't fly these things!" Tuff says to Hiccup, who leads the pack with Dracul.

"But won't that Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys, too?" Astrid asks Hiccup, finally getting under control of her Scuttleclaw.

"They're babies. They don't listen to anyone!" Hiccup answers as Gobber tries to catch up to him.

"Yeah, just like us!" Tuff laughs, starting to like the baby dragons at that news.

"This... is..." Before Gobber can finish he crashes into a wall but recovers quickly.

"Very dangerous!" He finishes before crashing into a wall, again.

Gobber then recovers and catches up to Hiccup and Dracul.

"Some might suggest this is poorly conceived." Gobber says to Hiccup.

"Well, it's a good thing that I never listen." Hiccup responds.

"So, -- what IS your -- plan?" Gobber asks the boy, getting cut off by the wall every other time.

"Get Toothless and Y/n back and kick Drago's--" Hiccup is then interrupted by another wall but this time as they regroup there's a wall of ice in the way.

"Heads up!" Gobber calls out as Hiccup sees it.

"And that thing." Hiccup adds on as Gobber crashes into the ice, for the third time.

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