Undying Love.

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Your POV

I lean against Toothless with my eyes closed as he keeps himself wrapped around me with laying down, with Nyra wrapping herself around Toothless for a form of extra security as she lays down as well.

I hear Hiccup adjusting his armor, causing me to open my eyes to see him seemingly getting ready to go somewhere. I hear Mischief chirping playfully yet seemingly in a panic, I turn to the left to see him being followed by the pack of baby Scuttleclaws.
I get up quickly and walk away from the two dragons as the babies wake the two up.

I watch as some start playing with his paws while some got onto his back, another part of the pack jumps onto Nyra while one chews her crown the others jump onto her back. I stop myself from laughing as to not embarrass them.

The two then roar with authority, causing the flock to scatter and for Mischief to bow his head a little.

"Well, guys, we can't wait around for Drago to attack this place. We've gotta find him first." Hiccup told us as Toothless then lifted his tail up, much to his surprise to see a yellow and purple Scuttleclaw chewing on his tail.

"Let's go." Hiccup said to us all, I then hear him yell out but it was muffled.

I go to reach for my sword only to remember it was lost when Toothless and I crashed into the water, so I spin around with my fists up. I then drop them as the three dragons stop growling as Stoick looks at us.

"What the--" I start, only for Stoick to hold up a hand to the dragons and myself.

"Easy now." He said in a hushed voice as Hiccup escapes his father's grip.

"Are you kidding me? How'd you get in here?" Hiccup questioned in a frenzy, Stoick then pushed his helmet into Hiccup's chest as he looks around.

"The same way we're getting you out." He explained, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"We?" Hiccup and I asked at the same time, I then look over Stoick's shoulder to see Gobber standing at the entrance.

"All clear!" He called out, in a hushed voice as well.

Stoick then puts a hand on my back and guides me towards Gobber.

"Toothless. Nyra. Mischief. Come." He instructed as we walked into the cave.

"Dad! There's something you need to know!" Hiccup said to his father as we make our way through the cave.

"Yeah, yeah, tell me on the way." Stoick brushed off.

"This isn't an on-the-way kind of update, actually..." Hiccup started, I could feel Stoick roll his eyes.

"I've heard ENOUGH, Hiccup." His father told him, sounding quite tired.

"...more of the earth-shattering development variety." Hiccup finished, trying to tell him about Valka in the best way possible.

"Yeah, just add it to the pile."

"Dad, unlike most surprises I spring on you, this one you'll like. I promise! You just have to handle it delicately, so..." Hiccup trailed off as we come to a halt, we see Gobber looking at something before turning to Stoick with a shocked look.

'Oh no...'

"Uh, you might want to take this one." Gobber explained to his friend, patting his shoulder twice in support.

"Oh boy." He then added on in a sigh.

I jump back at the sound of a sword being unsheathed, causing me to turn to Stoick in a panic.

"Uh, Stoick, t--that's not the..."

"Dad, can you put the sword away... please?" Our requests fall onto deaf ears as Stoick squeezes through the gap.

We watch as he then comes to a halt, dropping his saw in shock as we look out at the two from behind him. Stoick then swiftly takes off his helmet as Valka stands on the hill, staff in hand with an equally shocked look.

"I know what you're going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all these years. And why didn't I come back to you? To our son." She started, but got no response from her husband as he walks towards her slowly.

"Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone on Berk could?" She questioned, still not getting a response which causes her to panic more.

"I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen?"

"This is why I never married." Gobber suddenly chimed in, causing the two of us to look at him.

"This and one other reason." He finished, I huff before looking back at the two.

'Not the best time Gobber.'

"I know that I left you to raise Hiccup alone... but I thought he'd be better off without me. And I was wrong, I see that now, but..." She trailed off as she back up against the wall, a bunch of dragons then appear from the ice to come to Valka's aid.

"Oh stop being so stoic, Stoick. Go on... SHOUT, SCREAM, SAY SOMETHING!" She screamed, on the verge of tears.

The latter doesn't do anything but put a gentle hand on her cheek, causing her to look at him in surprise.

"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." He muttered to her in the most gentle tone, you wouldn't think it would come from the great Stoick the Vast.

Valka starts quietly weeping as Stoick tilts her face up to kiss her softly, I see all the dragons back away as I feel myself smile. I watch as the two reunited lovers look at each other, time had brought them back to each other.

Or rather their son has brought them back together.

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