Trappers and Hunters

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Your POV

We take off from the cliff and fly over the golden forest, as we fly over the forest more it becomes burnt, dead.

'What happened here?'

As we keep flying through we dive under a few rocks to see an ocean with a large ice structure with wood bits sticking through it all. Hiccup looks over at me as I shrug, not knowing what happened here or what that is.

"Stay close." He muttered, I nod in response as I was unsettled by this all.

We fly around the ice, which now that I look at it doesn't look natural at all. We fly around it to see what looks like the remains of ships, battleships, and large pieces of wood which might indicate that there was a wood fort here.

"What happened here?" Hiccup questioned to mainly himself, but it was loud enough that I could hear him. I look down at the mud to see massive footprints, Nyra and Mischief must've seen it cause they start wanting to fly away but kept going forward, but not without growling.

"Hey, it's okay I don't like it any more than you two." I comforted them, it worked a bit as they calmed down a little but they were still on edge.

I look forward to where Hiccup was flying to see a sort of base, I realized that they might not be too friendly.

"Hiccup!" I yelled out at him to get his attention he looks at me with a confused look on his face.

"Fire!" An unknown voice yelled, causing us to snap our heads in the direction of the sound to see a net launcher fire at Toothless.

"Y/n! Look out!" He yelled out at me as Toothless dives down and dodges the net, causing Nyra, Mischief, and I to catch the net, sending us plummeting towards the ground.

"HICCUP!" I called out to him as I lose my balance on Nyra and start falling but before I could fall too far Nyra wraps her wings around me, we hit the ground and I hear someone shout out orders.

"Watch the mouth! Secure the wings!" The male voice shouted out. I heard someone tell him about the dragon's rider, however, causing him to move Nyra's wrapped wings that were around me.

"Well look here, you came back." He said to me, causing me to become very confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, only for him to scoff in return before grabbing me and holding a dagger to my neck.

I hear Toothless's wings cutting through the air and a shadow flies above us, causing everyone to look around at the sky.

"Is that what I think it is?" I heard the raven-haired man ask expecting an answer, still keeping the dang dagger to my neck.

Toothless flies over them and lands on a ledge of ice causing everyone to gasp at the sight of a Night Fury. Toothless, however, wasn't too happy with all the attention as he was snarling intensely at the raven-haired man keeping me captive, I see Mischief also hovering next to Toothless not looking too happy either.

"STOP!" I hear Hiccup yell getting off Toothless as they all move out the way of the dragons.

"Get out of the way!" I hear one yell, he must have a late reaction to things.

My thought was cut short as I hear Nyra roar out in anger, I see her try to get up out the corner of my only for her to be knocked down by the hunter. She growled at them and swing her tail at them knocking the hunters down, I hear the raven man that was holding me captive groan at his men's stupidity.

I turn to look at Hiccup, who grabbed Inferno and ignited it, I looked at his face and I could tell he was fuming at the raven-haired man.

"Back again? Soil my britches... that is a Night Fury." The raven-haired man asked, I felt the grip on my non-armored shoulder loosen a bit. I was surprised they hadn't taken my sword or dagger off me, I suppose these people aren't the brightest bunch.

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