The Dragon Sanctuary

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Your POV

We follow Hiccups Mother through a narrow cave, that was honestly a maze at this point. The woman moved quickly with her staff to help her climb around, I was trailing behind Hiccup with Toothless as I know he needs some time to try to talk to her.

Besides I would be miles ahead of him, he just wasn't as mobile as me.

"Hold on! Wait just a minute!" Hiccup yelled out to his mother, but she wasn't slowing down anytime soon.

"This way." Valka stated, still running through the cave.

"Come back here!" Hiccup called out to his mother again, only to get no response yet again.

"Come," Valka repeated, seemingly excited to show us something.

"You can't just say something like that and run off! You're my MOTHER?! I mean, what the -- do you grasp how INSANE it sounds?!" Hiccup asked her, I look back at Mischief as Nyra was taken somewhere.

Hiccup's mother assured me though she would be fine, I didn't believe her but the dragons around us wouldn't let her go with me.

I watch as Hiccup's mother stops and turns as Hiccup keeps running after her, not so gracefully at times. She uses her staff to hold onto the edge of a sloped rock, she sees Hiccup and smiles before taking off again.

"Come. Quickly!"

"I have questions! Where have you been all this time?" Hiccup paused as he went to climb up the rock, only to slide down.

It takes everything in me not to laugh as Toothless uses his head to push him up, once he gets up he starts his barrage of questions again.

"What've you been doing?! They said you were dead!" He told her as I run up the rock and grab the edge to pull myself up. I jog over to catch up with Hiccup as I hear Toothless cooed in confusion at something.

I look to see that his head didn't fit between some narrow rocks, he then tilts his head to fit making me smile before walking with Hiccup.

"Everyone thinks you were eaten by..." I hear Hiccup trail off as he turns the corner, Toothless and Mischief catch up with me as I turn the corner.

I stop in my tracks at the sight.

There were dragons of all kinds flying around in harmony, some were resting on the rock formation in front of us. It was so colourful as I look around at the environment, the ice kept most of it healthy but the whole place seems magical.

"Dragons..." I finished for Hiccup as I walk up to his side, I hear an all too familiar roar and turn to see Nyra running up to me.

"Nyra!" I shouted, excited to see her even if it's only been a few minutes.

She shoves her head into me gently as I hug her, Toothless starts to hiss at something. I look over to see Hiccup's mother and the Stormcutter from earlier.
She was watching Hiccup and I with curiosity and excitement, I take a few steps back so Hiccup and his mother can talk.

"This is where you've been for twenty years?" Hiccup questioned aloud, his mother said no words but nods.

"You've been rescuing them." Hiccup said to her, this she starts smiling before nodding.

"Unbelievable," Hiccup added as a black and yellow dragon starts walking over to him, curious as to who he is.

"You're not upset?" She questioned her son.

"What? No. I don't know. It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out your mother is some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady." Hiccup told her, she chuckled as the Stormcutter helped her down gently.

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