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Your POV

One Month Later...

"Alright, prepare to be amazed!" Tuff declares dramatically from the middle of the arena with his sister by his side.
The chain dome had been lifted today as the twins show us what they have been teaching Barf and Belch, who was flying around in the air waiting for their riders.

"By the performance of one Barf and one Belch, doing the Flaming Wheel of Death!" Ruff states excitedly, I then look up at the Zippleback to see Barf letting out a large amount of gas while they dive towards the ground.

Just before they hit the ground, they bite their tail as Belch sparks the gas. The Zippleback then lights on fire and rolls around the outer arena while Tuff and Ruff stand in the middle watching in awe.
After a minute the flaming wheel stops just behind their twins and unroll themselves, the Zippleback then roars proudly while the twins cheer and high-five.

We all clap while Snotlout and Fishlegs also cheer, still trying to gain the attention of Ruffnut. But she was much more committed to her brother than the two, which only made the two try less and less.

Once the claps died down Astrid spoke up.

"Y'know, if this was a competition I think you two would win. That was pretty cool." She says to the two, Ruff did a playful bow in response.

"Thanks, A." Tuff thanks.

"Yes, that is something that a Zippleback has to be taught be other Zipplebacks, but I've never seen one be taught to do that by a Viking. Very impressive." Valka comments while walking into the arena, spooking everyone a little bit as no one was expecting her.

"Hey Valka, what brings you here?" You ask her, Nyra lowering you down into the arena gently.

"Hiccup has asked me to come to inform you all that a Dragon Race is happening tomorrow, to lighten the mood of everyone." She explains you hear a few excited gasps come from the group.

"Thank you for telling us, Valka." You thank her, she nods gently before turning and walking out of the arena with Cloudjumper following her without coming into the arena.

After a few seconds the twins start talking excitedly, Heather was very excited to compete with Astrid. The girls had conversations about the race and who would win between the two more than once, but Heather never competed in one before.
Fishlegs and Snotlout were looking over at each other, not necessarily glaring just looking over at each other blankly. Both boys then walk over to the twins, making me shake my head as I hear a dragon land in front of me.

I turn to see Eret and Skullcrusher there, the former Trapper jumps off and pats the Rumblehorn before walking over. He looks around at the excitement filling the arena, making him confused as Dracul stands at your left.

"What's got everyone so excited?" Eret asks you and your brother, making both of you laugh before answering.

"Dragon Race coming up gets everyone excited." You answer making Eret's face turn to one of realization, Nyra then comes up to you before nudging you.

You laugh before turning to the Stormcutter, you place both hands under her chin as she looks at you happily.

"Are you ready to win again?" You ask her teasingly and the Stormcutter simply coo's happily before nuzzling.

Dracul then nudges you with a frown while Eret raises his eyebrows at your words, both knowing you were trying to egg them on.

"Like your going to win tomorrow," Dracul states dramatically with an eye roll, this causes Eret to cross his arms before looking over at Astrid and Heather for a second.

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now