Flying With Mother

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Your POV

Cloudjumper and Nyra spin around as we all climb higher into the air, Toothless was keeping up but it was harder due to his size. I hear multiple roars from behind us and look to see the whole colony following us.

"Hey, I thought we were going to eat!" Hiccup said to his mother, meaning he also saw all the dragons following us.

"Oh, we are!" Valka replied as Cloudjumper spun around to face Toothless, Nyra hovered on his right side, or Toothless left side.

I then see Valka look down and I look down to see Seashockers herding a school of fish to the surface, after a few seconds I see the shape of the Bewilderbeast swimming towards the surface from under the school.

"Hiccup! Look!" I called out, pointing to the sea as the Bewilderbeast becomes visible and he puts the whole school of fish in his mouth.

He then jumps out of the water, looking at Valka for a second before spitting all the fish into the air, the colony then flies all around us to collect all the fish. Valka laughs at mine and Hiccup's reaction as I look around in wonder as the fish fall.
Mischief nudges me and I look over at him, he had his tongue out and was ready to grab some fish.

"Go on!" I encouraged, causing him to dive down to grab some fish.

"Whoa!" I then look to Toothless, only to see he's not there anymore. I look around the pack to see the Night Fury flying around with a mouth full of fish.


After all the dragons ate most of them went back to the sanctuary, but we had landed on a bit of land. I sit next to Hiccup as we tell Valka about our adventures by using our map to show her where.

"And from Dragon Island, we found this archipelago..." Hiccup explained, but trailed off when he went to look up at his mother.
I also look up to see that she's gone before hearing the crunch of snow, I look towards the noise to see that Valka had drawn the entire map in the snow around us.

I hear Toothless break off something before running over to us, I then see an icicle in his mouth as he starts drawing over the map. I watch as he goes around Cloudjumper as Nyra uses her tail to help by drawing circles.

I get up and brush the snow off my clothes before walking over to Nyra.

"Are you helping Toothless draw?" I questioned playfully, she purrs as Toothless comes up to me happily.

"Did you draw the Alpha?" I asked in an excited tone, causing Toothless to purrs before trying to drop the icicle. But it stuck to his tongue instead.


Valka then takes the two of us to an updraft where the dragons could just float, no need for wing flap to stay in the air. Valka then wing danced over to me, walking across Nyra's wings while having me spin her in a circle. After that she drops into Toothless' wings and does the same thing, using Hiccup's head to hop over him.
Once she reaches the other end of Toothless' wings she slips off and onto Cloudjumper.

The dragons then glided away from the updraft, Valka sighs in content.

"When I'm up here, I don't even feel the cold. I just feel..."

"Free." Hiccup and I answered, causing the both of us to look over at Valka with a smile. Valka then takes a deep breath in holding her arms out.

"This is what it is to be a dragon, you two." She explained to both of us, but at her words, I see a look from Hiccup I know all too well.

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