A Softer Side

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Your POV

Two Months Later...

"Alright, a little to the left... Perfect!" Hiccup called out to Eret and Skullcrusher, who was helping him with construction today instead of Trapper and Hunter reports.

Ever since the Trapper incident we've been rescuing dragons from any reports of Trapper barges, Eret had become Hiccup's right-hand man in a sense as well in that time even though he wasn't trying to.
Being able to help him in how to deal with Trappers, being extremely loyal and taking the blame when people were challenging his position of chief.

I see Eret pat Skullcrusher happily as they fly down and land.

"Remind me again while we're building outwards to the arena?" I asked Hiccup, as I was just hanging out with him today and helping with his chief duties.

"Because dragons keep coming here to meet Toothless and Nyra and aren't leaving, even if we take them to a different island." Hiccup explained I make an 'o' with my mouth in understanding.

"I always thought there was more the next morning," I commented, causing both Hiccup and Eret to look at me with confusion.

"Do you not notice?" Eret questioned like I was joking.

"Look, I'm still waking up when I leave the house." I answered seriously, making Eret realize I was not joking.

"Hiccup!" A new voice then called out from above, we look up to see Windshear up gliding against the breeze of the wind. The Razorwhip then lands and I notice had some paper in her hand.

"Dagur and Mala reported a Trapper barge seen west of the island, it had some dragons on their ships." She explained, handing the paper over to Hiccup.

Both Eret and I walk up to his side and look at the terror mail, it was in messy handwriting meaning Dagur wrote this. I squint as I try to make something out from the handwriting, but it was so messy I couldn't understand it.

"How did you get that, from that?" Eret asked, obviously not being able to understand a thing that Dagur wrote.

"He's my brother, but I see your point." Heather answered as Hiccup kept reading the Terror Mail.

The two started bickering for a few more seconds but stopped after Hiccup held up a hand to get them to stop. 

"We'll strike at night when they're least expecting it but right now I have some things to attend to that need my attention." Hiccup explained to us, we all nodded in agreement.

"I need to go talk to Astrid about this as well, I'll call for you this afternoon." Hiccup said before whistling loudly, after a few seconds Toothless landed beside him with curious eyes.

Hiccup got onto the saddle and took off, after seconds the two started bickering again but it was more playful this time. I shake my head before walking away, leaving the two to their business and whatever they were bickering about.


"This will be a night operation, we have to go in without alerting anyone of our presence and free the dragons. That means no explosion and no fooling around, do I make myself clear?" Hiccup asked us pointedly, giving the twins a stern gaze.

"What are you looking at us for?" Tuff asked him causing half the group to roll their eyes.

It was late afternoon, meaning we'll be leaving soon and I left to go get ready.


The moment night falls we all take off the location where the Trappers were reported to be seen, it was a quiet flight as Nyra and Toothless led the way. Once we got there Hiccup signalled for Eret and Heather to go scout out the ships, how many there were, what formation they were in.

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now