A General's Feelings

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Your POV

Two Days Later...

"Alright guys, it's been a while since we've trained and we have some new people joining us." Astrid told us as we all stand around the training arena, it was decided that today we would go back to training.

"Uhh, why are we doing this again?" Snotlout questioned sarcastically, extremely tired for some reason.

"Because we have to be more ready for people out there worse than Drago, we need to be ready to defend Berk again," Astrid explained, Snotlout rolls his eyes but yelps in surprise when one of Stormfly's spines skimmed his helmet.

All of us with the addition of Eret and Heather were here, Hiccup wasn't here as he was chief and had more pressing matters at hand. Eret had been practising his skills with Hiccup during the month and was a lot better now, Heather was quite excited to be here.

"Some things never change," Dracul commented after seeing what Stormfly did, causing Astrid to sigh playfully.

"Anyway, today we're just going to go over the basics. Such as flying drills, target practice, and hand to hand combat." Astrid explained and I raise my hand with a bored expression, I hear Dracul laugh slightly.

"Y/n... You don't have to raise your hand." Astrid said to me, I snicker before talking.

"Are we using weapons, or, like actual hand-to-hand combat?" I questioned, ready to get on with training today.

"Weapons, but you don't have to if you don't want to," Astrid answered, I heard the twins laugh mischievously at the news.

"So what are we doing first?" Heather asked her as Windshear walks up to her side.

"Target practice, then we'll go do some flying drills in the forest and finish with hand-to-hand combat." Astrid answered, Nyra then walks over to me and nudges me.

I get onto her back with Mischief hovering at my side as Astrid explains where will be doing target practice.

"I've set up some targets on a few sea stacks around the back of the island, the last one to the sea stack surrounded by the targets are going to go last," Astrid explained, everyone gets onto their dragons and line up in the middle of the arena.

'Always a competition.'

"Three. Two. One. Go!" And just like that, we all took off out of the arena, I see the twins flying away from Snotlout and Fishlegs. Who was still chasing after Ruffnut's attention.
Astrid took off after Dracul, who had flown up towards the mountain. Eret takes the long way as Skullcrusher takes the lead with Heather going in the same direction as the Twins.

"We're so going to get there before everyone," I said to Nyra and Mischief, Nyra coo's as Mischief chirps and we take the shortcut we found.

Once we got to the sea stack Astrid was talking about I see Ryu and Stormfly power diving down the mounting, Eret approaching from the longer route and the rest were coming from the eye of the mountain.

Once everyone was here we get into the drill, with the twins going last.


"I think you've tired everyone out like you use to." I said to Astrid as we walk from the arena to the village with Dracul, who was a few steps in front of us.

"Means they worked hard, though we haven't done anything like that for a while." Astrid responded as we see the village in sight.

We decided to walk so the dragons could have some time to themselves if they wished, Nyra has stayed by my side while the others went to play. However, as the village came into sight two ladies had noticed Dracul, the same ones who had become quite interested in him.

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