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3rd Person POV

Astrid and Stormfly land after circling the area again, as the other riders are all on a small iceberg. None of them were happy to be there.
Dracul was sitting back in his saddle with a worried expression, Tuffnut was sitting back with his legs up while Ruff was sulking on the iceberg, Snotlout was trying to offer Ruff a piece of chicken and Fishlegs was consoling Meatlug.

"I don't like it. They should've been back with Hiccup and Y/n by now." Astrid stated while looking out at the vast sea.

"I don't like it either. Eret, Son of Eret was the man of my dreams. My everything!" Ruff whined, causing both Fishlegs and Snotlout to be taken back while Tuff rolls his eyes.

"But, baby, I grew facial hair for you." Snotlout said to her, tracing his facial hair. Fishlegs does the same thing.

"Me too."

"What if Drago shot them down? What if...they need our help? We have to find them." Astrid told the others, Dracul then perks up with a more serious look.

"W-wait, What? No, but Stoick said..." Fishlegs started but were cut off by Astrid and Dracul.

"It doesn't matter what he said, if they've all been captured." Ryu then takes to the air as Astrid talks and Dracul looks back at the others.

"Come on!"


"Do we go back?" One of Eret's men asked as they sailed through the ice-ridden water, no one seeing the Dragon Rider's approaching.

Eret then scoffs at the man, holding an ice cube on his head from earlier.

"We've nowhere to go! Nothing to sell! And no heads to call our own, if we don't turn up with dragons and fast--" Eret then stopped due to Stormfly snatching him off the ship.

"Careful what you wish for!" Astrid warned playfully as Eret's men call out to him.

"ERET, SON OF ERET!" Another one then fired a net at Stormfly, who only twirled out the way as Ryu and Dracul fly up to her side.

"What is this?!" Eret asked after a few seconds, being able to comprehend what's happening now.

"A kidnapping." Astrid responded casually.

"Some would say a Trapper-knapping." Dracul remarked as the Ruff came up to Eret with dreamy eyes.

"Yay! Can he ride with me? Can he? Can he?" She asked while hugging his arm, causing both Eret and Tuffnut to be uncomfortable.

"Ugh!" Tuff then guided Barf and Belch away from Eret as Eret flinches away from Ruff.

"You're gonna show us the way to Drago." Astrid told him, not giving him any other option.

"And help Dragon Riders sneak into Drago's camp? Just kill me now." Eret said to her, letting himself hang from Stormfly's grip instead of trying to hold onto her.

Dracul then smirked as Astrid looked at Stormfly, knowing full well Astrid would have Stormfly drop him.

"That can be arranged. Stormfly, drop it!" Astrid instructed Stormfly playfully, causing the Nadder to drop Eret from her clutches.
As Eret's screams of terror fill the air Stormfly chirps happily.

"Good girl!" Astrid praised which causes Stormfly to chirp again, waiting for the word.

"Stormfly, fetch!" At the words, Stormfly roars before diving down after Eret, who was now officially Stormfly's new toy.

"ALL RIGHT! OKAY! I'LL TAKE YOU TO DRAGO!" Eret yelled and it echoes through the air, causing Snotlout and Tuff to laugh.

Stormfly then catches Eret and pulls up with the rest of the dragons, Astrid then has a smug look on her face.

"Works every time." She stated smugly to herself while stretching.

"I'd be concerned if it didn't." Dracul remarked playfully, causing Astrid to roll her eyes at him playfully as well.

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