Fighting For Freedom

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Third Person POV

As Hiccup dived after Toothless, Drago landed on the tusk of his Bewilderbeast as the two fall past him.

"Hang on! Almost there buddy. Almost there!" Hiccup assures and Toothless roars before positioning himself so Hiccup could get into the saddle. Hiccup reaches Hiccup and clicks the tail into place, the two then take to the air just as they were about to hit the water.

They fly around the mountain that held Gothi's hut on top of it and Hiccup looks over at Drago.

"Do something!" Drago orders harshly.

"We need to get those two apart." Hiccup explains to Toothless, who roars in agreement.

They then fly past a torn flag, Hiccup reaches over and tears of a piece of it off before Toothless avoids a blast from the Bewilderbeast. Toothless roars harshly as the two fly in some cover.

"We gotta block him out, Toothless." Hiccup explains to his friend, holding up the piece of fabric.

"Do you trust me, bud?" This question causes Toothless to coo before Hiccup wraps the fabric around his eyes, blindfolding him.

"We can do this. You and me. As one." Hiccup assures him, placing a hand on his head and clicking his tail fin into place.

"That's it. Now let's try this one more time!" Hiccup says as they fly past the riders and the villagers.

"Take him down, Hiccup!" Astrid encourages, all the riders except for Dracul, Astrid, and Eret holding sheep while yelling in encouragement. The little girl Eret's holding yells happily as all the Vikings shout words of encouragement.

"Go, Hiccup!"

"Go get 'em." Valka whispers to the air, knowing that her son can do this.

Toothless then flies directly to the Bewilderbeast as Hiccup gets into his laying down position, getting ready for his plan.

"Take control of it!" Drago commands, the Bewilderbeast then tries just that but due to the blindfold, it doesn't work. Hiccup then covers where Toothless' ears might be, to help him shut out the Alpha.

"Shut it out, Toothless!"

"STOP THEM!" Drago then orders, realizing the mind control will not work.

As the Bewilderbeast gets ready to fire Hiccup pulls up the lever.


As the Bewilderbeast fires Toothless pasts them, causing Drago to laugh and point his bullhook at them mockingly.

"Ha-ha-ha." He then finally looks up and stops laughing, seeing not Hiccup on Toothless as he flies upside down. As the blindfold flies away from Toothless he looks down with a smile.

Drago then looks around to see if he can see Hiccup, only to see him charging at him with his flight suit. He lets Zippleback gas loose from Inferno, flying past Drago as the man tries to hit him out of the sky.
 However, before he can light up the gas a dragon firing is heard, which causes everyone to gasp as Drago gets knocked off his Bewilderbeast.

They look towards the noise to see Y/n and Nyra there, flying towards the village, and Hiccup smiles in disbelief as Toothless roars happily at seeing his friends.

The girl cheers before talking to Toothless.

"GO GET HICCUP!" She instructs as they peel away from the Night Fury, causing both boys to pull their heads back into the game.

Hiccup then looks up, only for his face to fall as he glides uncontrollably to the Bewilderbeast's tail. Flashback to the Red Death playing in his head.

"Not again." He then calls out to Toothless.

"TOOTHLESS! IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" This causes the Night Fury to spilt his fins into to for more speed and agility, just like Valka said.
Toothless then angles himself perfectly under Hiccup and starts flying up to catch him.

"Come on, bud!" Hiccup encourages as he lands back in the saddle.

He then grabs onto the handles as Toothless maneuvers through the tail spikes.

"Hold on!"

Toothless then spirals upwards out of the Bewilderbeast's tail, causing Hiccup to smile in disbelief at what they just pulled off.

"Yeah! We did it!" Hiccup cheers while putting a hand on his cheek as Toothless falls back, joining Y/n and Nyra before landing in front of Drago. Hiccup throws Inferno in front of Drago's bullhook as he tries to grab it, causing Drago to scream in pain before looking at his hand then at the two riders.

"Hold him there you two!" Hiccup instructed both Toothless and Nyra, who keep growling as Y/n stands next to Hiccup with her staff in hand while Hiccup puts his flight suit away.

"It's all over now." Y/n told Drago in a menacing tone, wanting Nyra to blast him for what he's done in the past day.

However, as the smoke clears the Bewilderbeast raises his head, getting ready to fire but the couple doesn't see it as their backs are turned to him. Drago looks up before his mouth curls into a smirk.

"Or is it?" Drago questions the two riders as they hear the Bewilderbeast roar, they turn and gasp as the dragon gets ready to fire.

"Oh, no!" Hiccup yells while covering Y/n with his body as Toothless and Nyra dive in, they wrap themselves around their riders as the ice freezes them.

Valka and Dracul then make their way to the ice, Valka having her Scuttleclaw fly down as Dracul sprints to the ice. The rest of the village runs over as the Mother and Brother fall to their knees in front of the ice, they both start to punch the ice.

"No! No..." Valka cries out softly, as Dracul punches the ice so much his knuckles start bleeding.

"Y/N!" He screams in anguish, not ready to lose another person.

Astrid looks on in horror at the sight, her practical sister being frozen as Gobber mirrors her reflection. Their eyes then widen as the ice starts to glow a mix of blue and white, the village, all wondering what is happening as well.

"Hiccup." Valka cries, looking up at the ice then gasping before pulling Dracul back as everyone takes cover.

The ice then glows so brightly it could blind someone before breaking apart.

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