Dragon Armour

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Second POV

Two Weeks Later

For the past two weeks, since the Dragon Race, Viggo and Hiccup had been in the forge during their free time, causing you and your brother to become suspicious of what they were doing. Because, during the time the two would want to spend time with Viggo, he was always in the forge working with Hiccup on something.
He wouldn't tell you a thing, no matter how much you asked.

But Hiccup was also asking the riders for their Dragon Scales, which weirded you out because it was completely out of the blue. However, today was the day you would get answers as Hiccup had asked you and all the riders to the arena.

As Nyra gurgles while landing in a greeting of Toothless, the Night Fury roars happily at the sight of Nyra and Mischief. You look around to notice the others were standing with Hiccup, all seemingly waiting for you as you were running late.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," Eret calls out once he sees you, making Snotlout groan.

"Could you have been any slower at getting here?" The stocky little man complains, causing you to roll your eye before replying.

"So sorry, I can leave again." This causes Snotlout to immediately shout no as you walk up to Viggo.

"Hello Y/n, you have many questions I assume?" Viggo asks, causing you to huff.

"Still as cryptic as ever." You complain but that only seems to give your Uncle amusement.

"It's part of my charm, my dear." The man replies before you all turn to Hiccup.

"Alright, now I know some of you have grown suspicious of my actions as of late." He pauses and looks at you and your brother before continuing.
"But there is a very good reason for this, you all know about the Dragonfly how well it functions for an emergency where I'm separated from Toothless and falling through the sky." The sound of Toothless' snort is heard as the memories of watching the test drives flash through your mind.

'Oh gods, what has this man done?' You think with dread.

"You all know how Viggo made Dragon Armour with the scales of Toril and features that make the two look similar, along with being able to deflect lightning to Toril." Hiccup explains, causing Astrid's eyebrows to furrow in confusion while the twins simply seem to blank out.

"So, to give us all extra protection during the raids and in general against the Trappers Viggo and I have designed you all armour based on your dragons." This then causes everyone to start talking excitedly as you look at Viggo, a smile adorning your face.

"Is this why you wouldn't spend time with me and Dracul? Because you were working on this?" You ask, finding yourself no longer feeling that slight annoyance about the situation leaves.

"Yes, I have come to find that if something terrible were to happen to either of you, I couldn't live with myself." He explains while placing a hand on your shoulder.

"When Hiccup came to me with the idea, I agreed not only because it would be something challenging but it would ensure you and Dracul have more protection." Your uncle's statement makes your smile grow just a little larger than before.

After a few more minutes Hiccup opened up a cage to show everyone their set of armour everyone, including yourself, all rush to their armour to try on while Hiccup waits to grab his.

Once everyone had put theirs on you the dragons all got very curious at the sight, you hear the click of Hiccup's metal leg behind you and you turn to see him in his armour.
You look him up and down in his armour and felt yourself starting to nervously fidget with your hands, the nervous sight of you causes Hiccup to smile lovingly at you.

"You alright Y/n?" Hiccup asks teasingly, you look to see the others weren't paying attention to the two of you.

"Yes, you look very handsome." You tell him while placing a hand where the button on his old flight suit would be.
You try to see if there's a button, only to find there is none and you pout playfully.

"Aw, you got rid of the button." You say sadly, causing Hiccup to laugh before poking your sides.

"Yes, I couldn't have you or anyone else breaking the coil--"

"'--Because it is very sensitive,' I know you say it every time." You finish after mimicking him.

Nyra then wonders up to you and nudges your side while sniffing your armour, it had mainly her scales but Mischief's were in it as well. You laugh as she sits by your side as you look at everyone while Mischief, Nyra and Speedy keep looking at your armour.

Hiccup sighs before speaking.

"Do you think they like it? I tried to go off how they would design the armour." He asks, worried that none of the riders liked the armour.

"Hiccup, they love it and you know that." You start as you look at everyone.

Heather, Astrid, and Ruffnut were talking while looking at their armour while the boys were all just getting used to it. You look at Snotlout to see he was looking at Eret with some jealousy, making you shake your head, knowing he was probably in a mood and it would pass.

"Besides, you know you and Viggo did an amazing job." You state, feeling Hiccup's eyes on you.

"They all look amazing in their armour."

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now