Picking Up the Scent

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Third Person POV

"Boar-headed! Just like his mother! She could never stay put either." Stoick exclaimed as he and Gobber fly through a snowstorm. 

"Ah, he's just twenty. And a Viking. I mean, could there be a worse combination? Ha! When I think of how stubborn and senseless YOU were back in the day!" Gobber reasoned, his face then fills with realization before he looks away from Stoick slightly.

"Well, not much has changed, actually." He added on quietly at the end.

You know what he's like. He won't give up, Gobber. And if Hiccup finds Drago, before we find him..." Stoick trailed off, not wanting to think about what would happen.

"Bah! NOTHING can hurt Hiccup so long as that Night Fury's around. It's a Night Fury! And with Y/n around and that Stormcutter and Titan wing Terrible Terror, they'll be fine!" Gobber assured, Stoick then looked at the ground, he looks at the frozen sea to see a massive hole in the ice.

He squints his eyes to make sure he doesn't miss anything with the snowstorm raging on, he then sees something that he recognizes all too well. He gasps before peeling away from Gobber and flying down to the hole, as Skullcrusher swoops past it he grabs it and rejoins Gobber.

He holds his son's helmet gently in both his hands, Gobber looks at the helmet in worry but before he can say anything Stoick leans down and holds the helmet near Skullcrusher's snout.

"Find him, Skullcrusher. Find him." Stoick instructed his friend, Skullcrusher smells the helmet before his eyes narrow and he roars.

Skullcrusher then flies off in the storm, no need for sight, at high speeds to follow the scent before he loses it.

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