Arriving at Berk

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Your POV

As Nyra flies a little bit behind the Alpha, all the mind-controlled dragons circling his head, I see him destroy one of the statues as we approach Berk. As we get closer I see all the dragons leave their homes, with their Viking friends following them out, as the Alpha raises out of the water.

The Alpha then climbs onto the island as Drago rides Toothless, I look at Nyra desperately but we both know we can't take on the Alpha by ourselves.

"Your chief is dead." I hear Drago announce to the people of Berk, causing me to snap my head in his direction.

After a few seconds of silence, the man then speaks up again.

"No one can protect you now." Drago then stated to everyone before the Bewilderbeast froze over a part of Berk with his icy breath.

I watch helplessly as Nyra coo's sadly.


It had been a few hours and daylight had risen, Nyra had put me on her back after an hour of watching Drago. During the time, Nyra had tried her best to comfort me as we both hope that Hiccup and everyone turns up, but that hope was fading.
Nyra had got closer to the Alpha but kept enough distance to not be recognized by him or Drago. 

"Look, it's Hiccup!" I hear a Viking call out, causing me to look around with hope.

I then see him riding a purple baby Scuttleclaw, making me smile at the sight as I then see a sheep fly into the air. I then look around at the ground to see figures around what appears to be the sheep launcher, loading up the sheep to distract the Alpha.

"Keep 'em coming!" I heard Ruff call out to the others.

"Black Sheep, baby!" Snotlout exclaimed while throwing it to her, I see Eret stand on a sheep to catch another sheep when it falls.

I hear the Alpha go to fire at them, but before it could the race horn bellows. Causing me to jump a little at the noise. I then see a little black dot fly up onto the Alpha, meaning that they fired the launcher. After a few seconds, I see Eret catch the sheep and the Alpha goes to fire at them, only for the horn to be blown.

I watch as the Alpha looks over at the horn for a few seconds, before firing at it and I hear Fishlegs call out to everyone.

"I'm okay!"

I shake my head before turning back to Hiccup and Toothless, I watch as Hiccup approaches Toothless while talking to him. I couldn't tell what he was saying, however. After a few minutes, I see Drago swing his bullhook into Toothless, who then uses it to throw Drago off his saddle.

'Atta boy!' I smile before patting Nyra on the neck, she looks up at me with a curious look.

Hiccup then dives down after Toothless with no hesitation and now Nyra and I wait for the right time to fly in and help.

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