Challenging the Alpha

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Third Person POV

Once the ice breaks all the Vikings gasp as they see what caused it. Hiccup and Y/n are there alive and well as Toothless and Nyra glow their own respective colours. Toothless, an electric blue while Nyra, was glowing a pure white.
The two dragons then roar loudly at the Alpha, challenging it for the position of Alpha to protect their riders.

Before the two go and fight the Alpha, they look at the riders with a reassuring roar. Hiccup, who had an arm wrapped around Y/n's waist, nods at them as Y/n smiles.

They then look at each other for a second before at the Bewilderbeast.

They then jump up at a large ice spike and stand next to each other, roaring at the Alpha again as Valka and Dracul run over to the couple.

"They're challenging the Alpha!" Hiccup exclaims as Y/n watches the two proudly.

"To protect you." Valka adds on as they watch the dragons.

Toothless and Nyra then start firing at the Alpha, not allowing him to fire back. The Alpha then smashes the icicle that the two were perched on, causing Toothless to land onto the one under it while Nyra takes to the air.
After a few more shots the Alpha loses concentration and loses control of all the dragons, who stop flying and shake their head before looking at what's happening.

As Toothless fires again, Nyra follows suit and hits him right between his eyes as her fire glows an orangish white. After a few seconds the duo then comes back to their riders, they turn to the flock of dragons before roaring. Beckoning them to join them in their fight.

Stormfly then chirps happily before flying over first, the others following her as Hiccup and Y/n get onto their respective dragons.

"No, no, no, no! No! Fight back! Fight! FIGHT! What's the matter with you?" Drago screams as he watches all the dragons flock to Toothless and Nyra.
The Berkians all then stand together, all ready to fight for their home and friends.

"Hold your ground, we going to fight now!" One instructs the people.

Toothless then lands on the icicle he was just on, with Nyra flying behind him with Y/n glaring the man down.

"Now do you get it? This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty. Let this end now." Hiccup demanded Drago, but the man simply holds up his bullhook.

"Never! Come On!" Drago orders as his Bewilderbeast roars at the two challengers.

Toothless then roars to Nyra, who then roars at the rest of the dragons as the two start charging up their shots. After a few seconds the two fire in sync, causing the Bewilderbeast to stagger back as all the others start firing as well.
Nyra lands next to Toothless as the four watches the dragons fire at the Bewilderbeast.

"FIGHT!" Drago yelled out to his Bewilderbeast, only to have his prosthetic arm blasted off by an armored Thunderclaw.

After another minute of being blasted the dragons let up and the Bewilderbeast stands over Toothless and Nyra, the two get ready to fire. Both of their glows start to glow more as they charge up their shot, after a second they both shoot the Bewilderbeast.

Nyra's fire becomes white with a hint of orange, Toothless becoming bluer than purple.

The Bewilderbeast then roars in pain as his left tusk breaks off and falls to the ground. The two dragons then roar harshly at the Alpha in triumph. Terrified, the Bewilderbeast bows to the two dragons while roaring quietly.

"The Alpha protects them all." Hiccup declares to Drago, who can only watch in disbelief before the Alpha whimpers and dives into the ocean.

Hiccup and Y/n look at the water where the Bewilderbeast once was, before both dragons land back at the village square. All the Vikings surround the two riders as the dragons start to surround the two dragons.

Hiccup and Y/n stand off the side, Hiccup resting his arm around his girlfriend's waist before pressing a kiss to her temple, watching what happens next. The Night Fury and Stormcutter look around before Cloudjumper lands in front of them, looking at the two proudly.

He then bows to the two and Toothless stands proudly, plus with a little bit of smugness as Nyra does the same. Just without the smug.

As the dragon's bow to the King and Queen, the two look at each other before roaring in victory. The other dragons follow suit as Hiccup looks at Y/n, they nod before letting go of each other so Hiccup can talk to Toothless.

Toothless then faces Hiccup with an obvious smile as Hiccup rests the dragon's head in his hands.

"You never cease to amaze me, bud. Thank you." Hiccup tells him, resting their heads together as Y/n walks over to Nyra.

She scratches under her chin while whispering her thanks, they then both her Toothless gurgle. Which only means one thing.

They turn just in time to see Toothless knock over Hiccup and start to lick him, making everyone laugh at the two.

"Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out." Hiccup laughs, not minding it just this one.

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