The Dragon Thief

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Your POV

After we flew off from the ship it had been a few hours, no words were spoken but I knew how angry Hiccup was. Nyra, Toothless, and Mischief all glide over a bed of clouds, a beautiful orange and pink colour due to the sunset, it was peaceful.

I look over at Hiccup once more to see that he was ready to scream in anger.

"Hiccup, let it out it's okay." I told him gently, to which he did.

He lets out a yell of frustration and anger before laying on his back with an exhausted look. Toothless recoils at the anger that Hiccup let out.

"Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. Any of you. I promise." Hiccup promised, looking over at me with a gentle gaze.

Toothless then starts growling at something with Nyra joining after a few seconds, I shift my gaze over to where they're looking at see something cutting through the clouds. After a few more seconds a masked person appears, while armor that has blue painted on certain areas with a unique staff.

"Hiccup..." I muttered to him, not taking my eyes off the masked figure in case they move to attack. Hiccup looked over at me with a confused expression and I gently gesture over to the rider with mouthing rider to him.

He looks back up at the sky as if nothing happened but I see his eyes look over at the masked figure.

"AW, COME ON, DAD! REALLY?!" Hiccup exclaimed but was taken back at the figure he was faced with as the person disappears into the clouds.

"Okay. No sudden moves." Hiccup said to everyone as Nyra started growling more and more.

Then after a few seconds, a Stormcutter emerges from the clouds and starts circling us, I feel the nerves raise in me as I stand up fully on Nyra's back, Toothless starts hovering as Nyra hovers behind him for some form of protection.
We watch as the Stormcutter circles around us with the masked figure pointing their staff at the two of us.

"Hiccup!" I yelled out, feeling my nerves spiking to the max.

"Hold on, hold on." Hiccup told us as the Stormcutter stopped circling us and hovered right in front of Nyra, which she didn't like very much as she roared at the other Stormcutter.
I hear a dragon roar before grabbing Hiccup off the saddle and taking him away, I immediately jump off of Nyra's back and dive for Toothless.

"Y/N! Toothless!" I heard Hiccup's voice echo as Toothless turns so I land in the saddle. However, it was too late because once I got in the saddle we hit the ice, I jolted off the saddle and into the freezing water.

The last thing I felt was something grabbing my waist as the impact of the water and ice knocked me out.


Third Person POV

"HEY! YOU LEFT MY DRAGON AND GIRLFRIEND BACK THERE! HE CAN'T FLY ON HIS OWN! THEY'LL DROWN!" Hiccup yelled out to the masked figure, but got no response from the masked figure as he heard multiple roars from behind him.

He tries to turn his to see what's happening but can only see Nyra trying to go back for Y/n and Toothless but the other dragons kept blocking her so she started following me.

He turns his head but to see a massive ice structure, one that looked like the ice from the destroyed fort. The dragon carrying him followed the Stormcutter into a pathway into whatever this place was.

Once Hiccup was placed down and looks around to see all types of dragons surrounding him, with no sign of the masked figure in sight.

"We have to head back for my girlfriend and dragon!" Hiccup yelled out but got no response yet again. He heard a dragon step forward and growl at him, he turns and pulls out his fire blade.

The Brave (HTTYD Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now