«The Art of Being a Psychopath»

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I walked the dark halls of the Ark, the lights flickering with every step. My mind was blank, I knew I was afraid of something, but what?

Before I knew it my walk turned into a run, feet pounding loudly on the cold metal floors. After a few minutes I slowed back down. As I stopped, the whole world dimmed leaving a single patch of light.

The silhouette seemed restrained by unidentifiable figures. They looked at me. The only thing identifiable about them were their ocean blue eyes staring at me, brimming with tears.

It didn't matter that the rest of their body was shrouded in darkness, I knew who it was.


I stood stood in front of the chancellor feeling emotionless. He stared up at me with wide eyes filled with fear. He had a right to be afraid.

A pounding started in the back of my head but I ignored it. I turned my attention back to the chancellor.

I looked into his eyes, "I am here to report someone's murder." I whispered cold and smoothly.

The pounding got louder.

His voice shook as he looked up at me. "Who's?"

Pound, pound.

I looked down at my blood soaked hands. "Mine."

I abruptly awoke  shivering, drenched in cold sweat. I took deep breaths trying to calm my nerves as I pondered what had woken me up. The sound of people banging on the door drew my attention. 

Guard barged into my room loudly, electric batons and guns at the ready. I quickly rolled the sleeves  on my long sleeved shirt down, covering the remnants of my past, followed by my old leather jacket. The jacket was worn and on the verge of breaking but it was wearable.  I didn't bother running my fingers through my bedridden hair as I honestly could not remembering the last time I had been given a chance to wash it or be decent.

My stomach growled, hoping they were bringing food in as I hadn't eaten in days. Actually, even better I hoped they were here to float me. It wasn't my eighteenth birthday for weeks but staying in this hell hole was bad enough. Not as bad as before solitaire when I had practically begged for death, but still pretty bad.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I took an elbow to the stomach. I coughed it in surprise as I was knocked to the floor.  "Arms out!" The guard snarled as he pushed his foot down against my back. I weakly put my arms out as he wrenched them behind my back and practically dragged me to my feet.

 I winced as something clamped down on my wrist, just because I had felt extreme pain didn't mean I was immune.

How I hated metal. I hated the feel of it, the scratch of it when you drag something sharp on it, the taste lingering in my mouth. Just my luck I grew up on a gloomy gray, metal, ship. 

The guards jolted me forward, turning to go out the door as one of them laughed, "Just our luck we got the loony one eh mate? What a psychopath.

I dug inside of me, finding the rage I oh so much wanted to harness. I slammed my elbow as hard as I could into the guard holding my hands. If only I hadn't been so malnourished I might have been able to hit him harder. I turned my attention to the strange item they had put on my wrist. Oh course, it was made of metal, but it seemed like a...device?

That moment of weakness was enough for me to forget about the other guard who promptly shocked me with the electric stick. I convulsed and fell to the floor shaking as pain wrecked through my body. Nothing compared to before, but still painful.

The guard brought back the baton and smashed it again into my back, making me convulse which resulted in my head throbbing as it banged against the ground. I tasted blood in my mouth as the guards, including the one that had recovered from the blow to the stomach, yanked me up harshly and shoved me from behind.

As I stumbled through the door my eyes widened as I saw what was happening. It was compete and utter chaos. Prisoners all over the Skybox were being taken out of their cells and walking in one general direction.

Some people were fighting to break free, some were just loosely walking, as if in a daze.

My head tilted and my tongue flicked around my mouth, tasting the metallic blood. My gaze was a curious one as I was deep in thought. My body jolted a bit as a reminder of the pain from the electric shock through my body. I was too exhausted to protest so I steadily walked as the guards practically dragged me to where all the other kids were.    

I could already hear the whispers circling, talking about why I was there, and why they were there. Same reason as everyone here I'm guessing. Whatever that might be.

One at a time we climbed a ladder, leading to what seemed like a big metal hull. I recognized it as one of the few drop ships on the ark. One of the guards that brought me out of my cell roughly threw me in a seat and jeered at me. 

"How about we make sure this little creep doesn't even survive the landing, eh mate?"

"I like your plan." The other one cackled

 I could briefly register what they were saying as the previous pain from my head, courtesy of the guard with the electric baton, came back throbbing. I felt tired. Really really tired. 

My eyes closed as I slipped into a passed out state, void of any nightmares that usually occurred. 

I really hope I don't wake up.



Tuesday January 19 2021

Psychopath  | | Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now