«A knife and Two fingers»

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It had been four days since Wells had died. James leaned up against their tree again pondering why he even woke up every day. He supposed he did it for the people he would protect. Octavia, Monty, Jasper, maybe even Finn or Clarke.

Clarke had been the only other one in the camp, most of them had been unaffected, some even happy about his death. That made James angry, it was a life forsake. The only thing it did was create motivation to build walls around the camp.

He gazed at the grave where Wells was buried, lost in a trance.

"Hey psycho! Get back to work!" The loud ring of Murphy's voice sounded in James's ears as he sighed and moved back into the camp. He struggled in lifting one of the logs to the fence and then resorted to dragging it instead. Thankfully Monty called him, letting him smugly hand off the piece of wood to another unfortunate worker.

He jogged over toward the dropship, the silver cuff of a bracelet in his hands as Clarke walked out with Finn, pure determination in her eyes. He gazed after her for a second and then resumed walking toward Monty.

"Thought you could use a break."

James shot him a thankful smile and glanced back toward where the 100 were building a fence, momentarily stilling as his eyes caught upon Dax, but he took a deep breath and turned away. He had friends now, people that would protect him and he would protect them. He wouldn't waste away in past pain and risk losing another person.

His eyes caught Charlotte's and he smiled. They had been tenting together for the past days although something was off with her. While his nightmares and sufficiently decreased, hers seemed to have done the opposite. He wanted to know what was up but wouldn't pry, some secrets should stay hidden.

His attention focused back on Monty as his eyes scanned over the slightly glowing wristband.

"Thought you might know a thing or two that could help, you know, because.." Monty trailed off awkwardly as James cringed at the mention of Keira but he ignored it and nodded.

"Makes sense." He replied as they dived into fixing the wristband, most likely their last hope of contacting the Ark.

Clarke rushed in without warning, taking James' arm and dragging him away with a rushed excuse and apology to Monty, something about watering the sky. She dragged him into one of the biggest camps in the camp, to which James stopped, horrified at the sight in front of him.

On a table lay two dark skin fingers, no person attached to them, just a finger. Wells' fingers, he realized. James' hand covered his mouth in disgust and horror while he gagged as Bellamy looked over in slight anger at Clarke while he waved his hand toward James. "Why did you bring him?"

James looked at both of them, and then back at the fingers and gagged again. Bellamy sighed at Clarke's pointed look at him. Clarke lifted the knife and examined it. "This knife was made of metal from the dropship."

"What do you mean?" Jasper questioned carefully.

James' mouth dropped as he finally noticed it, the wheels turning in his head at the speed of light. He was about to state the absolute obvious when Bellamy cut him off. "Who else knows about this?"

"No one. We brought it straight here." Octavia answered referring to her and Jasper before James could again talk.

James finally had enough silence to make his statement. "Somebody in camp killed Wells, not the grounders. There is a murderer in the camp."

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