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James stood there, every muscle in his body locked. He couldn't move, if he did he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it together. He knew he would break.

In the distance he could hear a shout come from Octavia, and cheers come from the majority of the 100 as he felt hands grab at his arms. His head swerved around looking for Octavia, Monty, Jasper, really anyone who had helped him.

His eyes caught on Charlotte as she stood, her eyes switching from Murphy to James, then back to Murphy. He jerked his head in the way of their tent, trying to motion to leave.

Tears were now freely running down his face as he tried to hold in his sobs. He didn't want to die.

He thought his life had ended when Keira died. He thought nothing was left for him, but when the Chancellor sent him down to Earth despite the tragedies and sadness and death that had happened he had friends, people he had so soon grown to care about.

Someone was now binding his hands behind his back as others kicked Murphy to the ground. Instead of being immobilized he was now thrashing about, trying to break free from the bonds.

"No! Get off them!" His eyes met Clarke's and then Octavia's as the lunged forward trying to get him and maybe even Murphy free.

"He didn't do anything!" Octavia yelled as she turned to her brother, her eyes pleading for him to stop the people. Bellamy refused to make eyecontant with her as he stiffly stood in his place.

As his movements got weaker and weaker someone shoved a cloth into his mouth almost suffocated him. James noticed the same thing happening to Murphy a few feet to the right of himself.

As they dragged him his head harshly hit against a large rock on the ground and his vision began to feel woozy, his movements becoming futile.

He couldn't register what was happening as the people around him threw two different ropes from the dropship over a large and sturdy tree branch.

The distant voice of Clarke's voice was tuned out as she pleaded Bellamy alongside Octavia to make them stop. He felt the rough pull of a rope against his neck as his slight whimpers and sobs were unheard due to the screaming and shouting.

He was lifted up as Clarke screamed at Bellamy. "You can stop this! Get them down!"

"This is on you princess."

"Please Bellamy!" Octavia begged. He shook his head and stared again at the commotion.

"Bellamy should do it!" The camp looked expectantly at him as Bellamy's eyes widened. They cheered and egged him on as he took steps forward, trying his best to ignore the tears streaming down his sister's face.

He turned his head to the boys and kicked the wood from right under their feet. James gasped and sputtered, trying to get a breath. As he experienced what he assumed to be his last moments his eyes caught someone's in the trees, tear filled eyes. The same color eyes or Keira's.

They turned away and faded as Keira's face filled his eyes. He would see her again, wherever he was going. He didn't want to leave, but he didn't have a choice. He was going to die.

As his vision faded to black the people around him cheered. All of a sudden a shrill voice cut through the air. "Murphy didn't kill Wells, I did!"

Finn went into action, cutting Murphy with a quick throw of the axe. He then moved to James body as Clarke checked on Murphy but was stopped as Dax moved in the way.


"Yes." Octavia held a knife from dropship metal against Dax throat making him slowly move back, cautiously eyeing the knife. Finn quickly cut Jams down with his axe, rushing to make sure he was okay.

James was surrounded in darkness. He felt lingering pain from his neck but in a sense it didn't hurt, it was just a memory. He could see the light from before, but it was brighter.

He wanted to touch the light, let it envelope him. But then he remembered the one phrase that Keira used whenever he was having a bad day, whenever his mother hurt him or didn't feed him or when the pain of the father he never got to know came back.

"Death is easy, living is harder."

So as he faced the relief on one side, and the great pain he felt, but also his friends on the other side, he chose pain.

He chose life.

 I know I'm sorry this chapter is kinda trashy and shirt but tomorrow will be muchmuchmuchmuch better and yes I shall update tmr afternoon cuz I have school so be ready :)

Stay safe :D


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