Wrong moves

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"Where are they?" Raven whispered as she ducked under a tree, the night sky shrouding her form in the darkness.

"We'll find them," Octavia responded, creeping to the girl.

James just nodded, not saying anything more. Silence came over the trio as they continued to trek silently through the woods - finally broken by the static on the radio.

"I thought you said you were heading west," Monty said.

Another voice came through, Bellamy's. "Just keep the moon on your left, and you'll find us."

James hadn't spoken to Bellamy since catching him and Raven together, hadn't even said a word to him.

"This morning, all I could think about was how much easier this would all be if Finn was just... gone." Raven trailed off, immersed in her mind.

James surprised himself as he spoke up, his voice steadier and calmer than he thought it would be.

"Hey, you didn't wish for this. The only thing we can do right now is to find him and find Clarke. Stop being so hard on yourself."

Raven looked at him in surprise, but James just looked away - not in the mood for further discussion.

Although he hoped she wouldn't continue torturing herself over something that wasn't her fault.

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty questioned over the radio, sounding a bit concerned.

"Just keep your eyes open," Raven responded.

"I think it's the same thing we heard in the black box."

James and Octavia sent each other a look of confusion, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Damn it, Monty, pay attention," Bellamy responded, James letting out a small huff at the statement.

Stupid Bellamy, always controlling everyone and everything into thinking he's such a great person - then stabbing you in the back the second you begin to trust him.

James' angry thought spiral came to a halt as he came to a realization. He was acting like a freaking teenager after a breakup - how pathetic.

"Oh wow," He thought, another lightbulb flicking on inside his brain. "I'm eighteen..." he did the math in his head. "Today."

Octavia turned to him, a small smile on her face as she spoke. "Happy birthday."

"Happy Birthday," Raven also said, giving him a sad smile that she hadn't even realized his birthday was today.


"Do you see anything?" Bellamy asked over the radio, questioning Monty as the Asian boy hadn't replied in a few minutes.

Monty didn't respond, so Bellamy tried again. "Report,"

Fear crossed over James' face, a bad feeling stirring within him. "Monty, are you okay?!"

The only thing that responded was a quiet, staticky, barely intelligible phrase. "Oh my god,"

A screech followed after that, none of them really knowing what to say as James slowly and silently dropped the walkie-talkie back into Raven's hands, grabbing his gun, which has been leaning on a rock.

"There's someone in the bushes," Raven slowly said, forcing her voice to stay steady.

James positioned his gun so that the tip was leaning on a rock, looking through the scope so he could see the dark woods closer up.

He nodded to Raven and Octavia, signaling he had their back as they crept forward.

The suspense became unbearable, James almost wanting to look away as they brushed the bush aside, gun pointing toward whoever - or whatever - was hidden.

Psychopath  | | Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now