Of all the things, I cared about you the most

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The bullet hit the metal with a clink inches away from James' foot, causing him instinctively to move backward.

"Try anything, and next time I won't miss," Murphy grumbled.

He didn't want to hurt James, and he didn't intend for everything to go like this, but he knew that Bellamy and the boy cared for each other - and this opportunity was too good to pass up.

The boy also felt betrayed by James. He cared for the very person that had let the others put a rope around both their necks.

He guessed that made them both traitors in different ways - although James still had no idea what he had done to make Murphy so quick to turn on him.

Murphy turned to James before tossing the boy the rope that was next to him.

"Tie it. You know how to tie a noose, right?"

James stilled, his blood turning cold. Murphy wouldn't go that far, cause this much pain, would he? But, his question had already long been answered.

Murphy turned the gun to Bellamy but kept eye contact with his former friend. "Start tying."

Bellamy gave James a look, willing him to start tying or else they would both wind up dead.

As the boy picked up the rope, his hands involuntarily shaking, the walkie-talkie crackled on again.

"Bellamy? James?"

Murphy smirked at Octavia's voice, glaring at James to continue tying as he sat down - gun still trained on the older boy.

"Are you guys okay?" Octavia asked, her voice panicked.

"You want her to know you're are alive?" Murphy waved his gun near James' face again. "Start tying."

"Bellamy, James, do you copy?"

Both boys could sense the anguish in Octavia's voice, the fear she felt but was so well hiding. She was strong, but right now, the camp needed her most - not them.

As James (as slowly as possible) started to tie the deadly knot with the rope, Murphy finally giving the okay to Bellamy as he picked up the walkie-talkie.

"I'm fine; just a misfire. Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you."

He slowly put the device down, Murphy slightly nodding as he watched Bellamy's every move.

That meant that he didn't have all of the attention on James, who started to think: maybe he could distract Murphy and quickly pull the gun out of the boy's hands.

That would immediately give him and Bellamy the upper hand and save them both, and the rope - once he had undone the knot - could be used to secure the boy's hands and legs together.

It was risky, really risky. But it could work.

He had just finished tying the knot, still waiting for the perfect moment to catch Murphy off guard.

"Is it finished?"

James slowly nodded his head.

Murphy looked at the rope in James' hand and nodded, deeming it tied right.

Bellamy and James' eyes locking as the boy adjusted his footing - trying to prepare for the moment.

Bellamy's eyes widened as he realized what the other boy was going to do, his face slightly scrunching as he tried to communicate to stop with his eyes - but James just turned his gaze away.

Murphy tossed the rope to Bellamy, motioning to him. "Get up and toss it over."

James gazed towards the long pipe jutting out of the dropship.

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