Kind Of

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James groaned as voices rang through his ear, swarming around his head. He felt too woozy to make out exactly who they were but they sounded familiar, some of them even comforting.

"Hey, he's awake!" One of the familiar voices called. He shifted as his bare hands felt the cold metal he was laying on. The dropship.

"James? James you okay?" His eyes fluttered open as he saw a brunette hovering over him, checking to see if he was okay.

"Octavia?" He muttered sleepily.

"Yeah, yeah it's me."

Realization sunk in as he searched his memory. He remembered almost being killed, Charlotte's death, Murphy being exiled, and feeling so lost... his memories stopped there.

"What happened Tavi?" He questioned as he sat up, his head starting to throb.

"Bell found you on the ground near the cliff. Looked like you passed out and hit your head on a rock. He carried you back to camp but a while later a pod came down. We're going to find it at dawn."

James' brows creased together as he tried to process the information that was thrown at him while Octavia pouted due to not being able to search for the pod.

"There might be a radio that we could use to contact the Ark, I just hope we can get it working." The voice from before talked as James identified the voice's host as Monty.

James nodded his head in agreement and carefully smiled. "If anyone can do it you can." He patted Monty on the shoulder and shakily stood up, ignoring the protests from the two and the dull throb of his head.

"We should go find whatever is in that pod, somebody might get it before us." He started, but Octavia cut him off.

"You need rest, I'll go find Bellamy and convince him. Work with Monty to try to contact the Ark.

James hesitated, and then nodded, sitting back down next to Monty with a defeated expression. "Be careful."

Octavia smiled at him and then descended the latter to the exit of the dropship.


It had been around an hour since Octavia had left to go convince Bellamy. Monty had tried to reassure him by saying that they had probably gone out in search of the pod without alerting him but he wasn't so sure.

He placed the screwdriver down and sighed. "I'm going out to find her."

Monty opened his mouth to oppose but James quickly shut him down. "I don't have a headache anymore. I promise I won't go far, I'll stick as close as I can to the campsite. Happy?"

Monty grumbled but hesitantly said yes and he was off in a hurry.


James ducked under a tree branch as he strayed farther and farther away from camp, searching for any signs that Octavia had been there.

He heard a twig snap to the right of him and in the distance, he could make out the form of a girl that was unmistakably Octavia.

James quickly jogged over to where she was walking and tapped her on the arm. She jumped out of shock but at a glimpse of his face relaxed.

She crossed her arms and sighed as they continued to walk at a fast pace. "Bellamy shot Jaha."

James stopped, his jaw-dropping as he processed the information. Realizing he was getting left behind, he resumed walking and caught up to Octavia. "Someone said if he shot Jaha they would get him on the dropship. Said he did it for me." She huffed angrily and shook her head.

James had to give it to Bellamy, he cared about his sister. In a way, he kind of admired his drive to protect those around him. He was a great leader, strong, extremely muscled..." His eyes widened in shock as his thoughts trailed off and he promptly took his hand and smacked himself in the head, earning a quizzical glance from Octavia.

"He is a jerk." He absentmindedly said as he continued to walk at a pace, his mind racing to find the source of those weird, weird thoughts.

Although, he had passed out next to a cliff where he could have been easily killed by grounders so in a way Bellamy kind of saved him. Kind of. But on the other hand, Bellamy kind of killed him. Kind of.

A rustling made both of the delinquents stop in their tracks, the cawing of birds making them turn around searching for the source of the noise.

"What was that?" James carefully said as they scanned the wilderness.

After another moment of looking Octavia carefully shrugged and turned to the direction they were going. More bird noises sounded and James felt like he could just hear the ominous music playing in the background.

They took off running, scrambling up a hill quickly in search of a place to hide. They brushed through the trees, Octavia turning back once to see if anything was behind them.

Finally out of the trees they made it to a hill, steep but not impossible to trek through. "Come on." Octavia started as she scrambled down.

As James was beginning to follow her lead a rock gave way beneath her feet and Octavia tumbled downward.

"Tavi!" He called out in panic as she rolled farther and farther down, finally stopping after a big rock hit her head. He followed in pursuit, tripping once but having more overall luck.

He knelt beside her to check her pulse. She was alive, but very injured. Blood was rolling down her forehead and he gently took a piece of spare cloth and pressed it down, attempting to stop the blood flow.

It would be impossible to carry her the rest of the way to camp, at this point, he wasn't even sure where the camp was, he had just been following Octavia's lead.

In the distance he could see five figures marching out of the trees, the clothes were made of animal fur and black charcoal was painted on their faces.


They approached him and Octavia, and with one swift hit, he was knocked unconscious.

Everything was dark again.


Okay I'm literally so sorry you guys deserve better than this chapter but cuz I haven't wrote all week I just needed  to write a quick one. If you guys see any mistakes or think I should take out something or add something different please tell me so I can make this story the best I can :)

Also, question, I'm making a Stiles Stilinski fanfic and the main character is going to be a Phoenix but I'm having a hard time coming up with a name for the book so if you have any ideas lemme know :) *also please don't still this idea hehe*

Also I have an avengers/Pietro maximoff fanfic in my drafts and an idea for a Murphy fanfic so if you guys want me to publish them lemme know :)



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