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Clarke tugged on the end of the bandage wrapped around the bottom of James' leg, pulling it tight around the wound as he winced.

After confirming it was tight enough, she secured it with a small metal pin that had been in one of the first aid kits.

He smiled at her in thanks as she nodded her head and dashed away, running to someone shouting her name for assistance.

His smile dropped as she left, unable to keep up the 'alright' facade. It was tiring, and for now, he needed to save his strength.

He propped an arm up, grabbing his spear next to him and using it to pull himself to his feet, testing the weight on his leg and letting out a pained breath as his leg buckled, his grip on his spear tightening and his other arm bracing the side of the dropship for stability.

James swayed for a few seconds before suddenly inhaling and finding that something was blocking his throat, meaning he couldn't breathe.

He choked - then gagging, coughing, and hacking until he felt something sour and foamy fly out of his mouth and onto the ground.

His head turned as he quickly looked around, making sure no one had seen what had happened before carefully leaning down.

The substance was a yellowish color, with patches of white foam here and there. James stood back up quickly, grimacing as he felt another flash of pain, and kicked a patch of dirt on top of it with his noninjured leg - making sure it wasn't visible.

After standing still for a few more seconds, trying to reign in his ragged breathing, he gripped his spear tight again - limping into the dropship so he could find Raven.

"Hey, Raven." He greeted, watching her frown with concern as she said his bandaged leg and limp, having not seen it before as they had carried her into the metal structure before she had seen.

"What happened? Who did this?"

"Grounder caught me with an arrow. Clarke says I'll be fine though,"

Raven nodded slowly, concern still evident in the look she was giving him, but she let it go for the time being.

Both their heads turned abruptly as Clarke, Bellamy, and Finn entering the dropship, the former with a map in her hands that she placed down on the table that was in the center of them all.

James stood, about to leave them to discuss the battle plans, when Clarke put a hand on his shoulder.

"You should stay."

She didn't explain further, but he nodded anyway - sitting back down as he studied the map.

"We've got 25 rifles with 20 rounds each, give or take. Roughly five hundred rounds of ammo. While you two were gone, we made a few improvements. Thanks to Raven and James, the gully's mined."

"Partially mined," Raven added in. "Thanks to Murphy."

"Still, it's the main route in - if the grounders use it, we'll know. Raven also built grenades." Bellamy picked one up out of the small case that held them.

"It's not many."

"Again, thanks to Murphy," James added in, pushing away the guilt of letting the boy escape, of letting him live.

"We'll make them count. If the grounders make it through the front gate, gunners and grenades should force them back."

"And then?" Clarke questioned.

"We close the door and pray."

"And pray what? That the ship keeps them out? Because it won't."

"Then let's not let them get through the gate." Bellamy finished.

Psychopath  | | Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now