«The Fog»

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James leaned up against a tree as he again winced at the unbearable screams coming from the drop ship. He wanted to be with Jasper, he really did, but the memories that came back by the screams that sounded so much like his own was a more powerful decision maker.

His eyes drooped as he shook himself awake for what seemed like the millionth time today. Besides that small passed out episode the day prior he hadn't got any sleep since he had been on the Ark. He was used to it as he up there he would go days without sleeping just to avoid the nightmares that plagued him.

James shook himself out of his thoughts as he heard Murphy and Bellamy talking as they uncussesfulyl threw knives at the tree.

"That damn kid, always messing with my head." He assumed they were referring to Jasper as he felt a twinge of anger but also one of agreement. Soon after, the agreement passed and was replaced by guilt as he continued listening intently.

"He's not going to last much longer. Better think of a new excuse."

Bellamy chucked what James thought looked like a mini-axe at the tree, finally imbedding it deeply in the wood. "That's how it's done."

A few footsteps crunched on the leaves from the ground, coming from the forest instead of the camp. "We searched a half-mile all direction. No sign of Trina or Pascal."

The voice belonged to Atom, Bellamy's right hand man, and according to Octavia, her 'super secret lover'. 

His attention returned to the words Atom had said. People were missing? That was certainly new.

"Visit your special tree when you were out there?"

"Atom took his punishment. Let it go." James scoffed quietly. Punishment? So they were punishing people now?

His stomach growled loudly reminding him of last night. Bellamy had begun to force people to take of their wristbands in order for food. No matter how much he had wanted food, Clarke was right, they needed the Ark and the Ark needed them. Taking off their wristbands would devastate both parties. In doing that, he hadn't had a full meal to eat, minus berries and the few bits of meat Octavia had forced him to take. Nevertheless, it was enough to tide him over but he now dearly regretted that. The grumbling stopped.

"What was that sound?" Bellamy questioned. James sighed. Couldn't he randomly eavesdrop on unsespecting leader of a community in peace? He reluctantly stuck his hand out to the side, giving away his position. He heard them stalk closer and slowly stood up, his bones sore form sitting and sleeping there as he had been to late to get a tent.

"Well would you look at this, camp psycho eaves dropping on a conversation." He held a knife to James throat, moving around to face him and meet his eyes. "What should we do with you?" 

"Enough Murphy," Bellamy started, "we can't hurt Octavia's friend in camp, we might as well take him hunting to make it seem like at accident."

Just. His. Luck. "Wasn't eavesdropping." He muttered. Lies. "I slept here and you guys just decided to talk where I was sitting. Truth. You know that they say, a lie and a truth most definitely cancelled out.

Octavia had offered him a space in her tent but at the look Bellamy had given him he decided against it. Hence the uncomfortable situation he was in.

"Look like we're going hunting." Murphy smirked.

Bellamy turned back to Atom, referring to Trina and Pascal. "We"ll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later.

"Let's go kill something."

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