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Raven nodded her head, James squeezing her hand reassuringly as Clarke slowly and carefully brought the hot metal over from where she had heated it, giving the pair one last look before pressing it onto the brunette's thigh.

Almost immediately, she gasped in pain, gripping James' hands so tightly he thought she might break the bone.

"Almost done, Raven, just a bit more," James urged, Clarke pressing the metal down harder to try and speed the process of cauterizing the wound.

The girl gritted her teeth, then let out a sigh of relief as Clarke retracted the red metal, putting it on the table next to her.

"That should stop the external bleeding."

"I don't understand," Finn started, shaking his head. "How did Murphy get a gun?"

"Long story," Bellamy said from behind James, the boy trying to block the memories of Bellamy with the rope around his neck, hanging in mid-air as he tried to claw at it.

He snapped out of his train of thought as Raven responded. "We got lucky. If Murphy had hit the fuel tank instead of me, we'd all be dead."

Clarke took the words in as an idea formed in her head. "Wait, there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs... if we had any gunpowder left."

"Which we don't." James finished, his eyes instinctively trailing up to the ceiling where a level about them, there was a wide hole in the side of the dropship.

"Let's get back to the reapers," Bellamy said, changing the topic as he looked down at the detailed drawings from Lincoln's book. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

"They don't look like they'd be very friendly," James murmured as he leaned in closer to Bellamy so that he could study the drawing in the boy's hand in more detail, really hoping he never had to meet one of them in person.

"He's right. We saw them - trust me - it's not an option."

"We don't have time for this; can she walk or not?" Finn interrupted.

"Are you insane? She just got shot, and even though Clarke's cauterized the wounds, there could be internal damage!" James shot back, confused at his seeming lack of concern for Raven.

Clarke nodded along. "We'll have to carry her."

"The hell you will," Raven grumbled. "I'm good to go." Her voice strained as she struggled to sit up, stopping as the blond girl put a firm yet light hand on her shoulder, looking her in the eye.

"Hey, listen to me. That bullet is still inside you. If by some miracle there's no internal bleeding, it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there, is that clear?"

Raven frowned but reluctantly lay back down, Finn nodding and quickly getting the stretcher. James suddenly felt embarrassed by his slight outburst towards Finn; he was probably just as worried as the rest of them - possibly more.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh. Real brave," Bellamy commented as Finn walked away, the rest of them turning to him in shock as the brunette turned around from his path to getting the stretcher and strode back towards the group.

"Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy," Finn responded.

"Spoken like every coward whose ever run from a fight."

"Shut up!" James yelled, face flaming. "I don't know about you guys, but fucking arguing here is just taking time away from where we could be escaping. And Bellamy, if we listened to you, if we'd stay, you'd just be condemning all of our deaths, and do you want that on your conscience?"

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