«Fangy the river snake»

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*Back to first person*

 After the little encounter with the mutant deer we continued on our long adventure, Octavia and I's hands intertwined, loosely swinging back and forth. I was grinning like a maniac and I really hoped my eerie grin wouldn't push her away.

You see, my canines are quiet dangerously long, and when I smiled it was a bit crooked, giving off the look of a, well psychopath. Suddenly self conscious, I closed my mouth slightly so that at least my glistening canines wouldn't be shown.

I snapped back into reality as I heard Finn speak. "Hey you know what I'd like to know. Why send us down today after ninety seven years? What changed?"

I hated to admit this but he had a point. As I silently agreed Octavia decided to speak up.

"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell, and now I'm spinning in a forest." I spun her around with one hand, a permanent grin now etched on my face.

After thinking, Monty also spoke aloud. "Maybe they found something on a satellite, you know, like an old weather satellite."

Yet again, the mood was ruined by Clarke.  "The Ark is dying. At the current population level there's roughly three months left of life support, maybe four now that we're gone." The silence was deafening.

Finn soon came to his conclusion, connecting the dots. "So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?"

I could see the pain in Clarke's eyes as she nodded. I wanted to reach out and comfort her, I really did, but I had tried that before once and it didn't exactly end well. 

"My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyway, when Wells..." she trailed off.

"What, turned in your dad?"

Clarke ignored the comment and took a deep breath, recollecting herself before continuing. "Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time."

"Their going to kill more people aren't they?" Monty said quietly. Apparently Monty had family up there. I sympathized for him, as if I were to have family up there that I loved that could possibly die, I would be sad too. But on the bright side at least his family had a chance.

"Good. After what they did to me, I say, float them all." Octavia said defiantly and although I had only met her this day, I could tell she didn't really mean it. 

Finn looked at Octavia and then turned to Clarke. "We have to warn them."

"That's what my father said."

And then there was silence.


After walking for what felt like hours on end, I heard a loud squeal come from Octavia as she dragged me far ahead. I jogged along, curious to what she had spotted and silently hoping it wasn't another mutant animal.

My breath stopped.

In front of us was water. So. Much. Water. You see, water had always been rationed on the Ark, so seeing so much of it was scare there, but here there was buckets of it. 

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