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His feet pounded into the ground as he continued to run, adrenaline fueling his every movement. His bones ached, his throat still hurt every time something even brushed it, and he was starting to feel dizzy with exhaustion but he continued to run.

Had it been minutes, hours, he couldn't tell. Everything was blurred together as his eyes searched for a sign, anything, of Charlotte's, well-being.

Yes, any child should know better than to harm another because of your rage, but he knew how she felt. James was angry at her but he wouldn't let her die.

Wells had been his friend, the kind of person you would talk with once and decide that you would do anything to get to know them better. He hadn't deserved his fate, but neither did Charlotte.

At this point, he had no idea where he was. Of course, he had just randomly followed a general direction, when did he ever stop and think?

As he became lost in thought his foot hit a rock sending him forward, falling to the ground with an "oof,". James propped his hand up to lift himself but they immediately gave way. He managed to turn himself onto his back and prop himself against a tree.

It was still light outside, but he knew in around two hours the sun would set. His chest heaved from the strain of running such a long distance for that period.

When he had started off the sun had been a bit lower than the highest point in the sky, an hour after midday. His head lolled back as he muttered to himself. "Just a few minutes, I'll rest just a few minutes..."


"James? James you with me?" James turned his head to the side, telling the voice to leave him alone. "James come on we need to go,"

Stupid Bellamy and his stupid waking people up. Wait, Bellamy? His eyes shot open as he scrambled to the side trying to get away from Bellamy.

He felt vulnerable with the boy towering over him, and he hated that feeling. Especially after Dax, who was definitely on his 'nonexistent' kill list. Maybe he would add Bellamy to it too.

He looked around only to see most of the land covered in darkness, the moon illuminating other parts of the forest. The moonlight shone across Bellamy's face showing some of his more handsome features.

Wait- handsome? He shook his head trying to rid himself of the thought that Bellamy Blake, the one who tried to kill him was handsome. Just... no.

James's somewhat panicky thought train was interrupted by his remembrance of the task at hand.

"We gotta go, come on." James gripped Bellamy's wrist and dragged him in a certain direction before stopping and looking back.

"Where do we go?"

"I don't know, I was searching for her and came across you." James scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair in agitation.

"Come on we have to keep going-"

A twig snapping stopped his sentence as they both exchanged a look and took off in the direction. He was a bit faster than Bellamy who was most likely still recovering from a big branch to the head.

He spotted her and quickly grabbed her around the back. "Shh," He whispered. "It's me Charlotte, James."

At this point, Bellamy had already caught up with him and was briefly reassuring her while he looked around.

A distant shout echoed through the trees. "Charlotte! You can't hide forever. Don't worry, we won't hurt you!"

James turned back to the two, "Charlotte, we gotta go. We gotta go now." He started ahead as Bellamy grabbed Charlotte and began to drag her as gently as possible.

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