Extreme Aggressor: Final Part

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After the shocking news that Gideon presented, you were able to get a list and pictures of the people the police have interviewed. Gideon wanted you to look at them since you might be able to tell who the suspect in question was. The only name that stood out to you was Richard Slessman, and you couldn't tell them how you knew this, but there was something about those eyes that just told you what you needed to know.

"You sure about this?" Gideon asked.

No matter how long he knew you, he always had doubts about the things you could do—even if those doubts were small.

"Are you really asking me that question?" you whispered, holding your gun close to your body as you hid while another agent went to lure Richard into this house. "The minute I passed his house, I could tell he was the one. His house reeks of spiritual energy."

The woman known as Elle Greenaway, a woman who wants the other opening in the BAU, was bringing Richard to the abandoned house across the street from his own in order for the FBI to take him down. As soon as she entered the house, she began leading him into the room where everyone was. As soon as she gave the green light, the swat team in head-to-toe uniforms appeared and trained their guns on him. Elle took him down and began to read him his rights.

"Richard Slessman, FBI," Elle said as she began to handcuff him. "You are under arrest for the murder of..."

Her voice trailed off as you and Gideon stepped into the light. Richard stared at you two for such a long time as if he knew something you two didn't. As soon as they got him in handcuffs, you headed over to his house where the rest of the team was waiting. As soon as you entered the house, you could feel the energies of spirits that they left behind. While none of the victims died here, they did want you to know what something happened here.

"There's no sign of the girl here," Spencer noted when Gideon walked in behind you. "We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him."

"Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list. Is that the mother?" Gideon asked when he saw an older woman sitting at the table with a distressed look on her face.

"Grandmother. The mother died in a fire when he was 13," Elle informed.

"I'm going to check upstairs," you told Gideon before going off on your own.

There was something calling you upstairs, but you didn't exactly know what. The more steps you walked, the stronger the energy got. Derek was stationed inside of Richard's room, but that's not where you wanted to be. There was a door right next to his bed, and when you opened it, there was a staircase behind it. Climbing it, you saw Elle, Spencer, Gideon, and Hotch standing inside the attack.

"Oh, my God," you whispered once you had both feet on the floor.

"What is it?" Hotch asked.

"Richard's standing right next to you," you muttered.

Hotch looked around him, but Richard was nowhere to be found.

"He's downstairs."

"Let her finish," Gideon defended you.

Richard was on the phone, and although you couldn't hear what he was saying, you could guess due to the stressed look on his face. He wasn't getting anywhere with the person on the phone, so he hung up and turned on his TV. Gasping, your eyes widened at what you saw on the TV.

"He just got off the phone with someone, and he turned on the TV. There's a woman on the TV, but she's tied and gagged. Oh no, there's a man with her, and he's—oh God. Richard is sitting by the game that Spencer is looking at and starts to play himself. I can't," you whispered, looking away in pain.

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