The Popular Kids: Part One

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"Unfortunately, a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares." - Sir Peter Ustinov

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," you wince when you lift your arm to put it through the armhole.

The bullet wound in your side still hurts from when you got shot by a mentally unstable man inside a train. You were supposed to go to Texas with Elle to interview some killer, but you spent the next week in bed. Ever since you were thirteen, you've been working. Your dad needed help around the "farm" as he liked to put it, and in exchange, he'd raise your allowance. When you were old enough to get a real job, one of your siblings took your place so that you could make real money.

You've never had a day to chill and relax. So, the week you were sentenced to bed rest quite literally almost killed you. In fact, you cut that time in half and decided to go into work. Yes, your side hurts like a bitch, but you'll manage. You don't even have to go out into the field; you can stay with Penelope in her office if Hotch doesn't force you to go home.

The doctor told you to keep your arm by your side to help with the healing process. You're not sure why until you tried to move it. Any time you move or exercise your arm it's stretching the area where you get shot. So, getting dressed is pretty painful.

No pain, no gain.

You lift your arm once more, and pain shoots from the initial wound and up your side. There is no way you're going to get this shirt on. The closest co-worker to you is Spencer, and there is no way you're calling him to help. He'II convince you to stay in bed, and you'll listen to him. Forget the shirt, you're going to go with the white tank you have on along with a light and breezy cardigan you can throw on over it. Hotch will definitely not be paying attention to what you're wearing because he'll be focused on why you're at work instead of in bed.

If you thought getting dressed was bad, then you obviously didn't anticipate driving. The mere act of hauling yourself into the driver's seat is just too painful. There' is no way you'll make it to work in your own car. Looks like you'll pull a Spencer and take the bus. It's much easier than trying to kill yourself by driving.

You get to work on time, and you ignore the stares you got on your way up. Everyone is looking at what you decided to wear. In addition to throwing on a cardigan, you decided to stay in the sweats you wore to bed. It's not appropriate work attire in the slightest, but you didn't care. It's not like you're going out in the field.

You enter the office and are about to head over to the briefing room when you heard Derek and Spencer talking in the break room.

"Hey, Morgan? Uh, do you ever have dreams?" Spencer asks quietly.

"I'm sorry?"

"I guess nightmares would be a more accurate description," Spencer sighs.

"Is that what's keeping you up?"

Spencer's having nightmares? You wonder why he didn't tell you.

"I used to get them occasionally, but lately it's like I have them every night."

"What are they about?"

"This. What we do. Do you have nightmares?"

"Reid, I'm not sure if I'm the right person for you to talk to about this."

"Why not?"

"It's just, uh... Did you ask Gideon about it?"


"You should."

"You're having nightmares?" you ask and make your entrance.

"What the hell are you doing here? You should be in bed," Derek jumps at your presence.

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