Machismo: Part One

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Warnings: heavy angst, talk of rape, child rape (ten years old) by multiple men, not being believed about it, trauma related to rape, canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, fluff and angst

Author's Note: I really hope you guys accept what I have done to the reader in this story. It will all be relevant in later seasons. Though, please let me know what you think!


"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." - Anthony Brandt

Spencer is still sleeping, but you figured you'd make breakfast for both of you before you two head into work. Last night was an emotional rollercoaster, that's for sure. You didn't expect Spencer to come over and say the things he's said, but since he did, you haven't gotten them out of your head. When he kissed you, it's like something inside of you snapped. Whatever was holding you back was just gone, and your inner self was able to roam free without fear of being caught.

As much as you wanted to, you and Spencer didn't have sex. While you could have, you wanted to take things slow. Spencer is going to be in your life for a while, and you don't want to rush things with him. He might even be the one for you if you do things right. If you happen to rush things, then it could get messy and it would only ruin what you two have.

Plus, Spencer doesn't seem like the "rush" kind of guy. He appreciates what he has, and cherishes them for as long as he gets to have them. He doesn't want you to think he's a prude or anything like that for not having sex, but he'd rather take it slow than jump into something he's not ready for. He's had sex before, but he's never had sex with a woman he feels this strongly about.

You've had sex before as well (probably more times than he), but there is something telling you that waiting is going to be worth it. For right now, all you want to do is focus on making breakfast for when Spencer gets up. He passed out on your couch last night, so you hope the smell of eggs and bacon wakes him up in the most delicious of ways.

Your back is turned to the doorway, so you don't hear or see Spencer when he wakes up. Your only focus is what's right in front of you. Spencer stretches before getting up, and he quietly makes his way into the kitchen. Flashes of last night come back to him causing a faint blush to creep up his neck and cheeks. He's never lost control like that before, but he liked that it was with you.

He clears his throat awkwardly, and you jump from the noise. You turn to him with a smile.


"Hi," he says awkwardly.

"How did you sleep?" you ask and turn back to the stove.

"Good. Better than I have in a long time, actually."

"Good," you nod.

You hate that it's so awkward, and you hope it doesn't have to be for long. Maybe if you put a label on what you two are, then you can get comfortable and used to the idea of it instead of staying in this limbo-like state. Once the food is done, you place them onto two plates and slide his across the kitchen counter.

"Thank you."

"So, last night was pretty crazy," you chuckle and take a bite of bacon.

"Yeah, it was."

"Look, I don't want things to be awkward between us. I think, maybe, if we put a name to... whatever this is... then we can deal with it and move on, you know?"

"Yeah, I agree," he clears his throat.

"So... what are we? We both said pretty interesting things and did interesting things... Things I won't be able to get out of my head."

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