Broken Mirror: Part Two

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"Please, come in," Evan Davenport greeted when you finally showed up at his house. You, Gideon, Hotch, and Spencer went to his house while Elle and Derek met Cheryl at the crime scene. "I have six people on my staff. I have three bodyguards. They've all had polygraphs. Everybody's been vetted."

"Have they all have alibis for the night of the kidnapping?" Hotch asked. Entering the house, you looked around at family pictures and little trinkets they had at the house. Sometimes, those are the biggest clue about who a person is and what they are capable of. There were a lot of people at the house to make sure it wasn't bugged so that Evan's team can come in and set up their equipment.

"All accounted for by the local FBI field office. Cheryl flew in yesterday. I'm just making sure that she's not alone even for–sorry, I just feel like I'm suffocating here. I just want somebody to tell me that she's okay."

"Dr. Reid," Gideon called for him, waiting until he was by his side. "What do the statistics tell us?"

"If you follow their instructions and give them the money, your daughter will be returned."

"Done. This house is bug free," an FBI agent from the local field office announced. The head bodyguard or whatever he was called in for their equipment. His name is Vincent Shyer, but there was something off about him. You couldn't place exactly what it was, but you were going to make sure he was watched very closely by your eye.

"Alright, bring it in!"

"Gideon," you whispered, motioning him to come over. "I'm getting a weird vibe from Vincent. Like weirder than normal. Almost as if I can feel Trish's energy all over him."

"Keep an eye on him. We can't rule anyone out."

"Okay," you nodded slightly. He left your side to go back to the group to question the father some more, leaving you alone.

"So, what are your theories so far about this kidnapper?"

"That he targeted you for a reason. Every line of the letter starts with the word 'you'. He's angry at you and probably feels like you owe him. That everything you own, you don't deserve," Hotch answered.

"From the language in the ransom we most likely believe that he's working alone," you added from your corner of the room. Looking at the agents, you just gave them a smile before heading over to the group. "So, your daughters are identical twins?"

"They're not entirely identical. They're mirror twins. Some of Trish's organs are on the right side that should be on the left. Doctors assured us that it wasn't life-threatening," Evan explained, showing your team the book that explained the condition in detail. Spencer took it, opened it, and began reading it. Along with Evan's team's equipment, you brought some of your own to monitor the call which Hotch was getting set up right now. He was going to make sure that when this bastard called, he would track him.

"Situs inversus," Spencer said from his spot, naming the condition that Evan just described. He ran his finger down the length of the page quickly since his mind could process that many words per minute. He was flying through the pages at an incredible speed, and Evan kept watching him out of the corner of his eye.

"They had self-defense training?" Gideon asked.

"Yeah. I insisted on it. The protective detail rankled when they hit puberty, and I was sure that they would refuse their bodyguards when they left for college," he stuttered at the end, turning to Spencer to address his reading skills. "Excuse me. Can you actually read that fast?"

"Our conscious minds can process sixteen bits of information per second. Our unconscious, however, can process eleven million," Spencer informed, going back to the book.

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