Somebody's Watching: Part One

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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." - Diane Arbus

While being a profiler isn't always a thing to celebrate, there are moments where you genuinely have fun. Gideon got offered to speak at a lecture about profiling to young individuals and experienced ones, about what you do, the ins and outs, and the ups and downs. He invited Spencer who then invited you, and you've been having a blast ever since.

Things have calmed down at the office, so you took this rare time to speak to others about the joys of profiling. This time, you went to Los Angeles, California. While you've been there before, you never really got to explore it the way you get to now. You only have one thing on your agenda, and it's the presentation.

Before you do that, however, you have time to explore the busy city for everything it's worth. The last stop before you go back to your hotel rooms is a local art gallery. Gideon loves art, and you enjoy the occasional glass of champagne over a discussion about a piece of art. There seems to be a lot of people in this gallery, so it must be pretty good. Either that or the artists know how to capture people's attention.

There are some good pieces hanging up, so you're not paying attention when a man you've never seen before approaches the group.

"Spencer! Spencer Reid! Dude! Look at you! You look just the same," the stranger greets your crush. He gives Spencer a hug despite the young doctor not giving one back. "Look at you, dude. Nothing's changed. Spencer was the only twelve-year-old in our graduating class. Just the same."

"Thanks," he blushes. "This is special agent Jason Gideon and Y/N Y/L/N. This is Parker Dunley. We went to high school together, as you can probably gather."

"Hi, how are you?" Parker introduces, shaking both yours and Gideon's hands.

"Hey. It's a beautiful gallery," Gideon compliments.

"Thank you!"

"Jason's a big contemporary art enthusiast."

"I'm here for the champagne," you half-joke.

"We're exhibiting four up-and-coming artists in this show. Everything's for sale and I could definitely swing a nice discount for a friend of a friend. As for the champagne, another round is coming soon," he laughs. He looks at the door when someone enters, and his eyes light up. "Lila!" He turns to you three. "Hey. Guys, come on."

"Do I look twelve-years-old to you?" Spencer whispers to Gideon.


Spencer looks to the door, and you pause in your steps. Spencer has a look on his face you haven't seen before. You've been his friend for around five months, and he's never looked at you that way—as much as you wished he would. He has kind of an amazed look on his face, as if he's never seen someone so beautiful before.

The woman Parker calls Lila is very beautiful, in fact. She is blonde, skinny, and has blue eyes. She's the poster child for female beauty. It kind of bothers you Spencer never looked at you like that, but then again, you're not as pretty as she is. Why would he waste his efforts with you when he could go for someone like her?

Any fun you wanted to have this evening is gone because all you can think about is Spencer... and Lila.

"Spencer, Y/N, have you ever met a real movie star?" Parker glows.

"Movie star?" the alternative-styled woman next to Lila scoffs. "Please, she's a supporting role on a television series about beach volleyball. Totally blue-collar."

"I'm Lila," the blonde smiles. "And she's Pinky."

"Hi, I'm... I'm doctor Spencer... Reid. I'm Spencer. You don't have to... call me doctor," the young man stutters.

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