Natural Born Killer: Final Part

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"Success!" Gideon exclaims as he walks out of his office and into the bullpen. "Hotch and Morgan just shook Russo's confidence in his hitman."

Both men went to talk to Russo to see if they had anything to do with this murder. Apparently so. If not, then they at least know about it.

"He'll want to bring him in and get a read on him," you convey.

"What if by playing them against each other, we made Russo as paranoid as his hitmen? What would stop them from trying to kill each other?" Spencer asks.

"If that happens, then we'll never find Jimmy alive."

"We got a surveillance team outside of Russo's office. Stay on it," Gideon says and heads towards the elevator.

"Spence, come on. Penelope will have the surveillance up."

Both you and the doctor head to your friend's office where she is getting everything set up. Gideon must have tipped her off about what was happening. When you walked in, she just finished setting everything up.

"Is this going to work?" Penelope asks.

"The beam is reflected from the windowpane according to the law of optics."

"Yeah, the angle of instance is equal to the angle of reflection," you finish for him.

"Uh huh, is it gonna work?"

"Hey, it's me. I need to see you tonight. I'll call you from a secure line." Russo's voice comes from the computers.

"Apparently," you nod.

"Hey. Listen, you brought a lot of heat taking down Freddy like that... Listen, meet me here at the office. They don't know nothin'. I'm dealing with them. Stop being paranoid, Vinnie."

"Bingo," Spencer smirks.

"No, Vinnie," you smirk right back.


"Russo's got 11 associates named Vincent," Spencer says while going through each and every file of people named Vincent that works for Russo.

"No, make that ten," you say. The file in your hands says otherwise. "Vincent Cellito died last summer. What can you tell me about Vincent Sartori?"

He's currently doing 6 at Dannemora for racketeering," Penelope says after she digs a little deeper.

"How about this Perotta? There's not much on him."

"Can you get into those records?" you ask.

"Despite the fact that they were probably expunged, she can find the faintest echo of deletion and successfully recreate the file, thereby sending us all to prison for computer felony fraud counts," Spencer smiles.

"We can make bail. Penelope?" you chuckle.

"Already in. Alcohol addiction at 14, violent outbursts, assaults, and he once threw a molotov cocktail at someone sitting in their car."

"There are several notations for aggression. He once scheduled a visit to an infirmary to gain access to a boy who looked at him for too long?" Spencer finishes that with a question.

"This guy shows no fear, no remorse, has a quick temper, and he was smart enough to stay off the radar as an adult. Plus, he has a paranoid personality. That's the same kind of vibe I got when I saw the unsub in the bathroom at the Dimarco house," you explain.

"There's absolutely no information on him as an adult. No driver's license, no utility bills, nothing. It's like he became a ghost," the technical analysis says.

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