Broken Mirror: Final Part

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"What the hell was that? Why did he say that he knows what to do next? Is he gonna hurt my daughter?" Evan was the first to speak.

"He was grandstanding."

"You don't know that. You–you can't possibly know that."

"Mr. Davenport, I have learned more in the last five minutes than in the last twenty-four hours."

"Oh, really? Well, I don't understand. Why is he focused on you right now?"

"Because we are interfering in his relationship with the girls," you answered.

"He said he knows all about you."

"He profiled us, Mr. Davenport."

"Why would he do that?" Cheryl asked.

"To show us how smart he is."

"Often times the best profilers are the unsubs themselves. They're the ones able to walk into an arcade full of children and pinpoint the boy or girl that can be led out quietly," Spencer explained.

"But he made a mistake, because he gave us something he didn't expect," you smirked, looking at the other agents in knowing.

"Which is?"

"He told us how to find him," Gideon smiled.


Of course, right when the calls ended, Vincent shows up and pretends like he has Evan's back. The glares coming off of you were very strong as he moved about the house as if he didn't have Trish locked away somewhere nearby.

"You said you knew how to find him, that you were gonna save my daughter. Why don't you get out there and do something? What are you–Everybody's standing around here, looking–"

"Mr. Davenport–"

"Don't condescend to me. Don't patronize me," he interrupted Gideon.

"Evan, Evan, Evan," Vincent swooped in to save the day. "Everybody is doing the best that they can. Come on. Come on. Take a break, come on."

"For the suspect to know that much about us he has to be one of us," Derek said.

"I'm gonna have Garcia do a search of the New Haven FBI field office. The guy we're looking for knows this house and knows the family."

"There's seven hundred agents in New Haven and another seventy in satellite offices. Davenport knows quite a few of them," Spencer spit out.

"While we're narrowing the list, Cheryl can't stay here. If he's one of us, he has access and weapons, and you bet he's got a strategy."

"So who can we trust?" Derek asked.

"No one. We need to get Cheryl to a safe house."

"And limit the amount of agents she comes in contact with."

"Don't let it be Vincent," you whispered to Hotch when Gideon moved about the room to select who would go with Cheryl to the safe house.

"Look, Y/N–"

"I don't care if you believe in what I can do or not, but I know something is wrong with him. I don't mean to disrespect you or anything like that, but all I'm asking is that you have a little faith. Can you do that? For me?" you asked, begging the older agent with your eyes.


Apparently, it didn't matter what you said because Vincent went with Cheryl, Derek, Elle, and a few others. Hotch tried to make the point that Elle and Derek would be there, but you didn't stay to listen. You were angry at the fact that despite what Derek said about you being part of the family, no one was treating you as such. Hotch said you were on the team, but he wasn't making you feel like it at all which is what bothered you the most. The only thing you could do without jeopardizing your career was sit with Spencer and monitor what could be controlled. As soon as Elle and Derek arrived at the safe house, she called you since she thought of something important. Placing the phone between yours and Spencer's ear, you let him listen in. It was better than putting her on speakerphone to let everyone know what you three were talking about.

"They did a bug sweep right when we arrived."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Yet, the unsub seems to know all about us. Hey, Reid, do you know what non-local interaction is?"

"What are you getting at?" he asked.

"How can he be holding Trish prisoner, and still know exactly what we're talking about?" she wondered.

"I know what you're saying. It seems like he knows what's going on here the moment that it happens."

"It's what I've been saying this entire fucking time," you hissed quietly.

"There's gotta be a listening device."

"They swept the room when we got here," Spencer stated.

"Then they brought in their own equipment."

"Gideon, come here," you announced. Once the older agent approached, you voiced Elle's opinion. He decided the best thing to do was to do a bug sweep on the new equipment, and low and behold, there was a bug placed inside their machine. Looking at Hotch, you didn't say anything but the look in your eyes was enough.

"Agent Shyer called you by your first name," Gideon said to Evan. "You know him that well? He works out of the New York field office."

"I know his father. We've met socially on occasion."

"Has he been here before?"

"A few times. Why?"

"He's the one that has Trish and you handed Cheryl over on a silver platter," you announced.

"Y/N, can I speak with you for a moment?" Hotch asked, bringing you to the side.


"I don't appreciate how you've been acting lately. I know you're new to this, but we work together as a team."

"I get it, Hotch. I'm new and I can do things you've never seen before. I truly don't mean disrespect, but I've been living with this... thing... my whole life. Never once has it let me down. I'd like to think that my teammates have my back when I tell them who our unsub is. You want to punish me for being a little frustrated, fine, but please consider what I have to say next time so we can avoid all of this."

"We'll talk more about this when we get back to the office," he said with a stern tone, leaving your side to go help save Trish and Cheryl since Derek wasn't answering his phone.


Once Cheryl was found unharmed, Vincent gave the location of Trish which wasn't far from Evan's house, just like you said. When Hotch saw Vincent in cuffs and both young girls fine, he apologized for not listening to you, and you apologized for not handling things better. There was no need for a conversation ocne Hotch promised he would work on believing you when you tell him things.

The family of three were reunited, and you stood by Spencer and Gideon's side to watch their happiness. Trish was taken away on a stretcher, and Cheryl and Evan went with her in the ambulance.

"Hey, how did Elle get Shyre to give us Trish's location?" Spencer asked.

"I imagine she found some creative way to persuade him."

"What do you think–"

"You know, you just don't need to ask so many questions. Let's just enjoy the moment," Gideon interrupted, making his exit.

"I have a question for you," you said, turning to face him. "What did our date mean? I mean, I don't want to be one of those girls who demand a relationship or whatever, but I just wanted to know if it's something you want to do again? Maybe we can do something you want to do. I can't imagine sitting through four hours of horror movies with me sleeping on your shoulder would be considered a fun time."

"I actually do have something in mind. Do you know Russian?"

"No, but I'd be willing to learn for you. Photographic memory so I can't forget it," you told the truth, knowing what he wanted to do was to watch a film in Russian. You didn't know a lick of Russian, but if it would make him happy then you would do it.

"There is a showing of my favorite movie this weekend. Do you want to go with me?"

"It's a date," you grinned.

"When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor, nor worthiness." - Euripides

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