Poison: Part Three

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Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, fluff and angst, panic attack, anxiety


All the police personnel is gathered inside the tiny police station to listen to your team give them a profile. You're hella nervous, but you're not sure why you're like this. It's like your body is preparing you for something bad happening, but you just don't know what it is. This case makes you nervous enough, so you really don't need something to add on top of it. Your leg bounces in the seat you're on, but other than that, you're fine.

"We believe whoever poisoned these people was motivated by revenge. The randomness of the victimology–average people in an average-sized town–all points to a local resident," Hotch starts it off.

"We know that people who poison for the purpose of revenge primarily act alone. However, he may have manipulated someone close to him to assist him. The unsub usually disposes of these accomplices when they're of no further use to him. This unsub is like a cautious, deliberate, and highly-functioning male between the ages of thirty-five and fifty," Elle says.

"He chose LSD for a reason. LSD is about altering perception. We think that this unsub is striking out because he feels that he's been inaccurately perceived by the community or a subset of it. He feels that these attacks will affect and alter a reality that he is caught in–that he perceives to be unjust," you add.

"He's so self-centered he believes his victims will know the reason for the attack and who did it."

"This individual was savvy enough to use Rohypnol to obstruct our investigation, erasing the memories of the victims of how they were poisoned," Spencer informs.

"Hold on. If this guy believes that his victims know who he is, why is he covering his tracks?" Detective Hanover asks.

"Because these victims aren't his primary targets," Gideon answers. "We know from precedent that this kind of offender–the avenger–tests his weapon first. This attack was a test run."

"A test run for what?"

"We don't know yet. What we do know is that this is not the first time that he's aired his grievances. While it's not likely that he has a criminal record, it is possible that he has filed criminal charges or pursued a civil action against his perceived adversaries. And, now, to measure the results of his test, he's watching," you reply.

"He wants to see the results of his test. Once he has them, all those years of pent-up rage will be released in the form of a larger attack. The profile indicates a lot of people could die," Gideon concludes.

JJ enters the room and heads to Hotch who is right next to you. She leans closer to him to whisper something to him, and you hear every word of it.

"We have a leak."

Hotch is quick to clear out the room of every officer of the local PD. The only people left in the main room is your team and Detective Hanover. JJ waits until she is given the okay before playing the news channel. Suzanne Wang, the reporter, looks too eager to tell this story.

"That's right, Steve. Neighbors became aware something was wrong when a local Beechwood restaurant closed early. From inside sources, we learned that representatives of the CDC began testing food inside the restaurant," she reports.

"If you're gonna report the story, name the restaurant," Gideon states.

"Unconfirmed, we were told that some of the food had been tainted with hallucinogenic drugs."

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