Riding the Lightning: Final Part

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There are only two hours left, so if you're going to do something, then you need to do it now. Penelope has been working overtime to see if she can't track down Riley without the help of Sarah, but she really made sure he wouldn't be found. She really doesn't want Riley to surface.

"Check all police and hospital records dating back to September 1990," Gideon asks of Penelope, and she gets straight to work.

"You know, you should check local newspapers to see if anyone reported any abandoned babies," Spencer suggests.

"Yeah, I don't give a damn where the governor is, we may have found proof that Sarah Jean is innocent," Sam Shapiro says over the phone.

"She really only had a maximum of three hours between police visits. It was four p.m. so traffic was pretty heavy. Whatever she did with Riley had to be local," Spencer theorized.

"In 1990, there were three babies that were abandoned in September," Penelope reveals.

"Three-year-old boys?" you ask.


"Why doesn't she just tell us where Riley is?" Spencer says in frustration.

"She is protecting him against Jacob. She refuses to let him be Jacob's last victim. If he knows who his real parents are, then he's haunted for life, and that's exactly what Sarah doesn't want."

"Look, they are being executed within an hour of each other. What hope do we even have to find him in time?" JJ asks.

"You know, it's quite possible, she doesn't even know where he is anyway."

"No. she knows. We've got to get into her cell. Y/N, come with me."

You follow Gideon to find the warden since he is the only one who can grant her access outside of her cell. He's right outside of Jacob's cell, and as much as you despise being around him, it's for Sarah. Once he sees you, he smiles evilly, but you ignore him as best as you can.

"You've come to see the show?" Jacob asks.

He's in the process of being shaved for the electric chair, but you ignore him.

"We need to get into Sarah Jean's cell. I believe the proof–"

"I can't do that!" Charles Diehl hisses and takes you two off to the side. "All official lines of communication are now over."

"We just need five minutes," you beg.

"Agents! They want the memory of these two individuals erased."

"Five minutes. Please. That's all we need," you plead.

Charles sees the desperation in your eyes, and he just sighs with a gentle roll of his eyes.

"Five minutes."

"Thank you. Come on," Gideon urges.

He takes you to Sarah's cell once it's clear to go inside and look through everything she has. It isn't much, but you don't have a lot of time. Gideon goes straight to work in rifling through the books and mattress for something, but you're drawn to the painting of her son in the field. He's running happily, and you realize there is something pulling you to that specific painting. Gideon notices you just staring at it, but he doesn't yell at you to keep looking. He knows you have something.

"What is it?"

You reach for the painting and take it off the wall, turning it over to reveal a newspaper clipping of a teenage boy. It's about an award that he won, but there is no mention of what the award is, where he got it, or his name. However, you take one look at this picture and know it's Riley.

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