Won't Get Fooled Again: Part Two

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Gil Clurman was in a lot of pain when you arrived at the hospital, but he was lucid enough to conduct an interview with Gideon about what happened. When you entered the room, you looked around for the charred clothing in hopes they were still here.

"Mr. Clurman? I'm Agent Gideon, Dr. Reid, and Agent Y/N. Do you mind if we ask you a couple of questions?"

"Yeah, go ahead," the man sighed.

"Does the hospital still have your clothes? I'd like to get a look at them if you don't mind."

"Yeah, they're over there on the couch," he sighed.

Nodding, you let Gideon take over as you headed over to the clothing that was sealed in a plastic bag. Opening the bag, you stuck your hand inside and ran your fingers gently over the burnt material.

"What can you tell us about the package, Mr. Clurman?" Gideon asked.

"I thought I knew what it was. Pot for an orchid. I collect them. I ordered the pot through the mail."

"Why didn't you take it inside?"

"It was for my office. I was going there anyway. I thought I'd take it with me. That's the last thing I remember."

"You had an argument with Joe Reese. Do you remember that?"

"Joe was there?" the man muttered.

The material of the clothing crinkled underneath the weight you applied, and you closed your eyes in concentration. There wasn't much you could see that you hadn't seen before—the package, Joe and Gil, the bomb, and the after math. The clothes weren't giving you much information on the man who did this, but you did get a bit more than before since the clothes were more personal to Gil than his car. This time, you were able to see the eyes of the unsub, but just the color and the look of them.

Whoever he is, it wasn't Gil.

"A lot of people were angry about that deal falling apart, and they were angry at you. How did that make you feel?" Gideon asked. Sealing the bag, you set them down and returned to Spencer's side.

"I felt awful. I thought those condos would make a lot of money for a lot of people, myself included. I thought that geologist was legit. He didn't even take samples. He scammed us. All those investors who lost their money... Barbara."

"Barbara Keller? What about her?"

"It's just such a shame. Such a nice lady, you know? It was such an easy sale. Sometimes I felt like I took advantage of her because she was old and lonely. Now she's dead. Well, I feel terrible," Gil sighed shamefully.

He shifted positions and cried out once he barely moved his foot.

"What is it?" you asked.

"Ah, my foot!"

"I'll get you some help," Gideon whispered.

Both you and Spencer followed him out of the room, and only when you were away from Gil is when you talked.

"It's not him. I got the color of the unsub's eyes. These eyes were filled with so much hatred, it wasn't Gil. Someone did this to him, and their only mission is to kill. I could see it in his eyes."

"Thanks," Gideon nodded, taking out his phone and calling Hotch.

"This isn't our guy," he said once the other agent picked up. "His answers were coherent even while he was sedated. He's got a sense of humor, displays empathy, and not to mention he has a hobby unrelated to bomb-making. Plus, Y/N got something concrete. This is nothing like a typical bomber profile... Well, we'll see if the fragments match at the bomb scene, but I doubt they will."

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