Won't Get Fooled Again: Final Part

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"So far, nothing from the search," Hotch said to Gideon when you two returned to the station.

"What do we know about Walker?" you asked.

"He's a quiet career criminal. Spent 4 years in prison for a series of forged checks when he was in his early 20s. He's now 46. Given the description you gave, Y/N, it matches him. For the past 18 years, he owned a store that sold coins, maps, and historical documents. We raided the place as soon as you gave us Walker's name. Most of his inventory was fake and the forgeries valued in the millions," Detective Morrison explained.

"But the walls had started to close in on him. We talked to some of his clients, and he was in debt up to his ears and promising stuff he didn't have time to forge."

"Then Barbara Keller found out that the coins he had sold her were fake. She threatened to oust him and if she had, all the forgeries would have been discovered. He would have done 20 years," Elle said.

"So, he had to shut her up? He planted all those bombs just to kill one little old lady?" Gideon scoffed.

"Yeah, and to throw us off, he made it look like it was much bigger than it was," Hotch nodded.

The group kept talking, but you were focused on something else. There was something in the air, and you weren't quite sure where it was coming from. Panic, fear, and concern was the main things you could feel, but none of it was coming from anyone inside this room. The emotions were so thick and tense that it was coming from outside. The more you waited, the stronger it got.

"Something's wrong," you said with wide eyes.

"What is it?" Gideon asked.

"You hear me? I said stop now!" an officer yelled just as a man with those same emotions entered the room with a bomb strapped to his neck and chest.

"That," you whispered.

"Please help me," the man cried.

"Everyone back, now! We need bomb squad in here," Detective Morrison said into a walkie talkie.

"Please it's not me."

"Don't come any closer. Put your hands up and walk slowly back out," Gideon instructed.

"I can't. He'll kill me."

"Who will?"

"I don't know. He held a gun to me and put this on me. He said you'll know who he is."

"It's Walker," you gasped.

The fear and terror coming off this man was slamming into your body at full force, and you needed to take a step back and breathe for a moment in order to gather yourself. It wouldn't do anyone good if you were a crying mess on the floor—something that didn't seem so bad at the moment.

"What does he want?"

"A helicopter and a passport. He's watching. Once he gets what he wants, he's got instructions to defuse the bomb."

"It's Walker!" you exclaimed.

Normally, you wouldn't be too panicky, but this man is making you feel more things than you should.

"Y/N, you need to calm down," Hotch ordered.

"Yeah, I know," you whispered, fumbling with your phone to dial the one person you knew would make you feel better.

You hadn't known him for a long time, but in the little time you had, you knew he was going to be very important in your life.

"Let's get snipers around the perimeter. Get snipers on the roof," Detective Morrison announced.

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