Blood Hungry: Part One

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"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." - Harriet Beecher Stowe

It's been a whole ass fucking month, and you're finally ready to jump back on the saddle. Much like the doctor required, you have been laying in bed for the past month except to stretch your legs, eat, and use the restroom. You haven't been outside in a whole ass fucking month, and now you're ready to go back to work. Not only can you do that, you actually have a cool scar to remind you of that day. While you shouldn't want to remember, it's always nice to have scars. They tell awesome stories, and this is one for the books.

You bounce into work with a smile on your face and the doctor's note in your hand. He came to you, checked you out, and signed a release paper stating you're cleared for the field. Everyone else is either at their desks or in the break room getting their coffee fix for the morning. Hotch and Derek are talking to one another by the stairs, and you bounce over to them with a smile.

"You're back already?" Derek asks.

"Yes I am, and here is the doctor's note. Legit and everything," you chuckle and hand it over to Hotch who quickly looks it over.

"Welcome back," he nods. "We missed you."

"Damn right you did," you grin.

"And you're okay to work?"

"Yeah! I got a cool scar and everything," you eagerly show the two men your small but noticeable scar.

"Like I said, we're glad to have you back," Hotch chuckles and leaves you and Derek.

You look around the office and spot Spencer at his desk with his head stuck in a book. He doesn't look too good, and you have a feeling his nightmares didn't go away.

"I'll catch up with you later."

"Someone's in love," Derek sings.

You just whack him lightly on the arm and head over to Spencer. He doesn't notice you at first until you kneel down next to him. He lifts his head up quickly and wipes his tired eyes. He doesn't look at you in the eyes because he knows what you'll see if he does.

"Spencer, look at me," you whisper.

When he doesn't do as you say, you reach up and gently grasp his chin. You move it towards you so he's forced to look into your eyes.

"Have you been sleeping?"

"No," he mutters.

"Spencer, my door is always open if you ever need some company, okay? I'm up all the time, and I could really use the company. I don't want you going through this alone. Let me be there for you."

"Okay, thank you."

"Did my notebooks help you?"

"Yeah, a little bit. I only got through one book, though."

"One? You can read one in about an hour. Why not the rest?"

"Your dreams are rough."

"Yeah, try experiencing it. I'm serious about you coming over. My door is always open for you."

"Briefing room, five minutes," Hotch announces and heads inside.

"Plus, I kind of make the best coffee in the world," you grin and stand up.

"I don't know, I've tasted some pretty good coffee. How do I know yours will be the best?" Spencer asks and follows you to the briefing room.

"I guess you'll have to come over and find out," you tease.

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