Blood Hungry: Final Part

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Mary was more than happy to get into the car when she heard you're going to drive her to the hospital to visit Eddy. Hotch is driving, but you opted to sit in the back seat so you can be closer to her and observe her body language. She refuses to look at you in fear that if she does, you'll figure out what she's hiding.

"How long have you lived in Harringtonville?" Hotch asks.

"All my life. My ancestors have been there since the late 18th century. Plus, I went to school in Virginia. But aside from that, I've lived right here. This is not the way to the hospital," she observes.

"I've got to make a quick stop first. Where did you go to school?"

"High school, St. Catherine's hall. College, Sweet Briar."

"You were a Sweet Briar vixen?"

"You know Sweet Briar?" she chuckles.

"My mother went to Mary Baldwin."

"She's from Virginia?"


"I've visited both Staunton and Manassas, and I know where your mother's from. Are we driving out of town?"

"Mary Gwathmey Mays. Gwathmey's an old tidewater family, isn't it?" Hotch tried to distract her, but it's not working anymore.

She's becoming more agitated, and the more nervous she is, the more you know Hotch is getting closer.

"Where are we going?"

"Old south. Old money. A lot of tradition there. A lot of reputation to protect," Hotch ignores her question.

"Excuse me?"

"Mary, I don't think that you were protecting your son. I think you were protecting yourself. From the shame and the humiliation of people finding out that he was mentally ill. You didn't visit him in the hospital in six months. Not once," Hotch says and pulls into the place that she visited six times in two hours.

You feel Wally near and exactly how scared he is.

"What are we doing here?"

"We checked the GPS device in your car. You stopped here six times in less than two hours," you finally speak for the first time since you got in the car.

"There are a dozen officers on their way over here with a pack of dogs, and we will find that little boy. It would be in your best interest to help us."

"Screw that. I'm not waiting for the dogs. I can feel his fear," you say and get out of the car.

"What does she mean she can feel his fear?" Mary asks, but you're already too far from the car to hear his response.

"Wally! We're coming for you!" you yell and rush over to an old shed that looks run down.

The police, bloodhounds, Wally's parents, and your team shows up within minutes, but you're already sliding the door of the shed open. Wally sits in the corner of the shed with a blanket over his body. He's scared shitless out of his own mind, so he doesn't go to you right away.

"Come here. You're okay We're here to help you," you say.

Wally jumps up and runs into your arms, and you hug him tightly. His parents are calling out for him in the distance, and you pull away to open the fence gate that surrounds the shed. He runs out of your arms and into his parents who just cry at his presence.

"Oh, baby! Ohh!" his mom cries.

"Let's get you home. Come on," his dad instructs.

You sigh and look at Mary who can't look at you in the eyes. You have nothing to say to her anyway, and you walk back to the car you were in with a tired look on your face.

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