L.D.S.K.: Part Two

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There is a female detective waiting at the most recent crime scene. As soon as Hotch pulled up in the parking lot, a wave of negative energy hit you like a slap in the face. The look on your face was enough to arouse concern from Derek and Spencer who sits next to you.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asks.

"I've never felt something like this before. There is a lot of negative energy here."

"Keep an eye out for things we can't see," Hotch orders before getting out of the car.

You exit the vehicle and scan the area that's crawling with police officers and detectives. The places where the victims were hit are now placed with orange cones to give an idea of where the shooter might be coming from. The female detective approaches you with a smile, but you walk past her without a second glance.

"Agent Hotchner...?" it comes out as a question.

"You'll have to excuse her, Detective Calvin. She's Agent Y/L/N, this is Agent Morgan, and Agent Reid," Hotch introduces.

"Right, well, thanks for coming. Follow me. The cones mark the places where the victims were," she motions to them.

"So, we know he fired from somewhere in this area. Close enough to hit all three victims, but far away enough not to be seen."

"His wounding his victims intentionally would classify him as a sadistic killer," Spencer says.

"That would help us?" The detective wonders.

"We know a lot about sadists. Most want to be close to their victims to watch them suffer," Derek enlightens.

As the agents inform the detective what's going on, you stare at the scene before you. The cones are replaced with the energies of people who left it behind. The park becomes crowded once again. One cone turns into a man who's trying to fly a kite. From right behind him, a woman riding through on a bicycle. Another cone is replaced by a man and his son as they play catch with a football.

"A powerful scope would allow him to observe it from a safe distance," Spencer continues.

"So, how do we determine if he's a sadist?"

"We spend some time in his shoes. We let him tell us," Derek answers.

Each of the three victims fall to the ground, and you assume the shooter has done the deed. You turn to face the parking lot only to see a car next to the spot where the other agents are standing. The spot they are on doesn't have a handicapped logo on the street even though you saw one when Hotch pulled up.

"What are you trying to tell me?" you mutter loud enough for everyone to barely hear you.

"What is it?" Hotch asks.

"What is she doing?" Detective Calvin questions.

"He was never in sight. No one ever saw it coming," you whisper to yourself, ignoring everyone else for the time being.

"This is how she works. Just give her a minute," Spencer says calmly.

An older man in his mid to late forties steps out of the car and surveys the area. A grey fog replaces where his eyes and mouth should be. It's impossible to understand what he looks like, but you know his age range based on his stature and his body shape. You turn to see what he's staring at, but everyone at the park has completely disappeared. It is at that moment you realize that you're getting two visions as they merge into one. The first one you saw is the event as it unfolds, the second is what happened the previous night.

It's very windy as the flag on the flagpole twitches uncontrollably. The unsub takes out a white spray paint can from his jacket pocket, and takes out a stencil of the handicapped sign so he can spray paint the sign onto the ground. This unub never got out of his car because he shot these people from it.

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